Interesting change of pace at the end but it works to lift it up and changes the mood and feel to a much more positive upbeat feel. Pretty song, gave it a few listens, nice job!.
When djsltuk said it was a nice composition he meant the song was put together well, it was composed nicely. It was a compliment and I have to agree with him!
yes i underestand what djsltuk is trying to say .
but i don't find the reasins why you have translated that for me ?
if you look he has called me Steve in comment.
I am not Steve . I don't know Steve .
hey it's very good to hear from you Evisma . I know you because of your collabiration with Behnam and tonality and i like your music and your idea about this music of mine too . it's great if you look at this way to this track and appreciated by me .thank you very much.
I like the track! My only criticism is the part (around 50 seconds) where the two melodies play together. I liked the idea, but it just sounded a bit distracting in my opinion. It's fine if that's what you were going for. I also like how the track gets more up-beat at the end!
thank you very much for criticism . i don't find why you have pointed scond 50 .as i hear eveything is ok .but i will pay more attention again . thank you very much for comment Enzotic.
awesome production...from the first part I never thought it will be a groovy chill out theme with etherial is a musical use of those awesome loops...thanx for sharing with us...
all the best, Danke
you are a good man Danke.i appreciate your time and comment.thank you very much.
(ps:please check out my collaboration-fly away-with tonality with your loops.)
thank you very much nice face if this is you!
and yyyuuupp you can sing and thnx to see you haven't downloaded before asking me .
you can do anything . download and cheers.
Good song. No doubt! Good work, well done!
The "caribbean" feeling is there and I really like how all the instruments have been mixed. Good touch.
Only thing that can be improved: the bass sound on the "high notes" is a bit too "keyboard like", but only in few spots (eg. at 0:34)
But I am now really just picking the smallest details on a perfect song.
I really enjoyed it!
Ciao, Domenico are right . bass is played by my Korg Pa 80 (keyboard) and not sound too loud coz i don't like it's sound too much .this was actually made by me and my husband and many of my female friends , but usually we girls neither play bass .thank you very much for comment .it's good to hear from you Domenico .
Okay, Okay... Ininitially I had a feeling of Adventure Love, like Conquest or something. Then I started visualizing a Bull Fighter dancing with the Bull that was FullofSh t. j/k :) And then realized that for my attention span this song is One Minute Too Long, but that's just me. I noticed in my mind that my brain had a feeling or sensation of wanting to wrap it up, but 'Oh No!' I got One More Minute to GO! AAAAaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! It's good :) I can see it as a Score in a 17th, 18th or 19th Century Expedition Show or Movie. Sounds like you put a lot of time into it. So Congratulations on the Hard Work. :) It SHOWS! +LOL+
well actually this was a track made by me and my husband and many friend of ours .and yes we spent a lot of time to have this sequent.glad to read what you think about it .it's appreciated by me .
I have to download it first before I can listen to it because my Droid will not play it from the Play Button. So... Thereafter, I will review it. Possibly reply to this comment. It's got to be good with all the comments I see. So be patient, pause... And remember? "We LOVE You!" "LoL!" (Sure hope I'm not Bullsh*ttin' :)
hehehe funny it was what you have written you make me want to smile . thank you for making my day . and yes download option is because of the same things .ne problemn .cheers.
oh yyeeeah i loved headbanging when i was still younger and specially before marriage and these kids .
now i usualy want to knock my head to the wall because of these crying kids haahaha !
thank you very much for taking time to listen and comment.
Atusa have gone wild Sherris...haha...this sounds like the parties I might have gone to with my bandmates in my younger days.....long live the blues.....Ed
hehehe i love party and i'm a ballet dancer too Ed.
long live party yuuuuuuup heheh .thank you very much for taking time to's great to hear from you .
wow.....this is wonderfully creative music Sherris...perhaps the musical journey that you have been on in your part of the world gives you some unique ideas ...interesting elements...perhaps a touch of Latin...a little Celtic..some Mid-East..piano is good everywhere...amyway it is a good combination and I particularly enjoy the acoustic instruments and the way you have constructed the composition to keep our listening intersting.....well done to you...Ed
wow this is a pleasure to see your kind words about my music and means alot for me. Ben convinced me about the reasons why he calls you master.and you have a speciall great respect
deep inside me dear Ed.
peace & smile .
Love the upbeat vibe and the guitars, everything sounds very mixed well. I like how you used the guitar to drive the rhythm. Great track! Thank you for sharing!
aaa...yadesh bekheir Atusa che zud gozasht ..
Radin ! what is your wife doing always in looperman ?
what a situation it is ?hahaha...
so who will pay attention to that kid when his mother is always here ? didn't I tell U marry to another girl instead of this musician one when we were udergraduate,man ? now U must suffer her everyday in looperman & cook food by yourself ! hahaa..take care to eachother buddies...__B
hehehhehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehee Crazy you are Behnam no matter how many years you have you can't stop being crazy at yourself and I love you .
Radin tells you are right buddy I should listen to your advice that times , but you and your buddy both know he could never find a wife better than me ! (lol) .
bebin migam heife ke ye vaghta mikhandi ham aghaye bad akhlagh ! vah vah vah in badbakhta inja nemidudanand ke ba che adame akhmui harf mizanand vagarna age to ro mishnakhtan! ama aghaye mohandes khodaish tovo refighet hardotoon deletoon bekhad man zane radinam eshtebah kardam vaghti to azam khasti ba Radin doost besham goosh dadam yupyuppppphehehehe.
kiss kiss crazy genius engineer,composer,master,buddy,va kholochele badakhlagh.
waooo!! awesome, track its my first day on board in this community and feeling great already! If anything I'll follow your work! cheers! keep up the Magic, and the great music!
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
When djsltuk said it was a nice composition he meant the song was put together well, it was composed nicely. It was a compliment and I have to agree with him!
but i don't find the reasins why you have translated that for me ?
if you look he has called me Steve in comment.
I am not Steve . I don't know Steve .
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
it's very good Sherris .
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
all the best, Danke
(ps:please check out my collaboration-fly away-with tonality with your loops.)
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
maybe you can sing on it,nop? so i can .hihi!
and yyyuuupp you can sing and thnx to see you haven't downloaded before asking me .
you can do anything . download and cheers.
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
The "caribbean" feeling is there and I really like how all the instruments have been mixed. Good touch.
Only thing that can be improved: the bass sound on the "high notes" is a bit too "keyboard like", but only in few spots (eg. at 0:34)
But I am now really just picking the smallest details on a perfect song.
I really enjoyed it!
Ciao, Domenico
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on road to blues by Sherris
Hahaha I loved it!!
now i usualy want to knock my head to the wall because of these crying kids haahaha !
thank you very much for taking time to listen and comment.
on road to blues by Sherris
long live party yuuuuuuup heheh .thank you very much for taking time to's great to hear from you .
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
deep inside me dear Ed.
peace & smile .
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
Radin ! what is your wife doing always in looperman ?
what a situation it is ?hahaha...
so who will pay attention to that kid when his mother is always here ? didn't I tell U marry to another girl instead of this musician one when we were udergraduate,man ? now U must suffer her everyday in looperman & cook food by yourself ! hahaa..take care to eachother buddies...__B
Radin tells you are right buddy I should listen to your advice that times , but you and your buddy both know he could never find a wife better than me ! (lol) .
bebin migam heife ke ye vaghta mikhandi ham aghaye bad akhlagh ! vah vah vah in badbakhta inja nemidudanand ke ba che adame akhmui harf mizanand vagarna age to ro mishnakhtan! ama aghaye mohandes khodaish tovo refighet hardotoon deletoon bekhad man zane radinam eshtebah kardam vaghti to azam khasti ba Radin doost besham goosh dadam yupyuppppphehehehe.
kiss kiss crazy genius engineer,composer,master,buddy,va kholochele badakhlagh.
on missing you instrumental by Sherris
on splurge by Sherris