Hello Abilify, I was wondering if there was anyway I could use this song in my small indie game that didn't involve money, I can offer you your name in the credits maybe even a link to something for you like a twitter or facebook link idk i could even maybe display the title of the song ingame when song changes so players know it's your song ingame.
its been a year since last comment and the song been out for like 1 1/2. please, can we talk and try to work something out, i know this is your life and what brings you money, but sadly I have had zero to next to zero money for the last 8 years.
your shining talent shows that you could create in almost every style...not much to add, it's a final product, maybe some cinematic/horror expert can say stg...
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on BRICKAROO by Abilify
on Two free hiphop -rap- Beats by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Lilly by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on BRICKAROO by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on The land of the wizard by Abilify
on The Drybear by Abilify
its been a year since last comment and the song been out for like 1 1/2. please, can we talk and try to work something out, i know this is your life and what brings you money, but sadly I have had zero to next to zero money for the last 8 years.
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
Great work.
I hear the improvement!
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
your shining talent shows that you could create in almost every style...not much to add, it's a final product, maybe some cinematic/horror expert can say stg...
handshake, Danke
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify
on Riverbones by Abilify