I'm not sure how to tell you this, but the pitch *tuning* of the keys
is off...That may have been your intent, but my ears are trained
to connect harmonics to the core foundation in a track...
For me it don't work...Nothing but some Music so to my ear
it's almost like listening to Country, that don't work either...
If you could just add more vocal effects or synthesize the voice on some part of the song it would be cool. Nice work on making the background beat and the tune!
I love that warm Rhodes in the background. Very cool vocals as well.
It sounds a bit like a sketch, maybe it is a bit too short but
still really nice work. I enjoyed it. Alex
hmmmm, thanks for the feedback this was made a while back I think my voice has grown a bit in the newer songs that I've recorded but thanks for the feed back!
Nice work making this sound like a record! I dig it! Very old school style! Great delivery in your voice! I'm goign to play this on my hip hop show on loopradio.net if it's okay. Faved for sure! Thanks for the DL!
on Dreamy Bruises Remix Prod Darklighter by dyldonomus
on Dreamy Bruises Remix Prod Darklighter by dyldonomus
on Dreamy Bruises Remix Prod Darklighter by dyldonomus
on Dreamy Bruises Remix Prod Darklighter by dyldonomus
on Dreamy Bruises Remix Prod Darklighter by dyldonomus
on Look at cha by dyldonomus
on Look at cha by dyldonomus
on Look at cha by dyldonomus
on Look at cha by dyldonomus
on One way or another by dyldonomus
on One way or another by dyldonomus
i've got a beat you might be interested in
on One way or another by dyldonomus
on One way or another by dyldonomus
is off...That may have been your intent, but my ears are trained
to connect harmonics to the core foundation in a track...
For me it don't work...Nothing but some Music so to my ear
it's almost like listening to Country, that don't work either...
on One way or another by dyldonomus
on One way or another by dyldonomus
on One way or another by dyldonomus
on One way or another by dyldonomus
It is fantastic track.
Well done.
on My way by dyldonomus
on Day 27 by dyldonomus
It sounds a bit like a sketch, maybe it is a bit too short but
still really nice work. I enjoyed it. Alex
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on Day 27 by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus