1 of few hiphop traX that I found its instrumental version as a well designed & considered music is audible .another notable point is an abandon mood (sensible) beyond vocal's voice that makes listener imagine a cool character for unseen vocal as a music litener to listen what he is saying till the end. all the bests.__Behnam
yo im diggn this joint man!!bringn me back to the 90s area of true hip hop in my opinion..from the beat to the flow an delivery ..real dope man!!!made me feel good listning to this!!peace,,,,
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
Enjoy this one and I have to say this track has a good music and better rap singing.
I'm not a hip hop fan but this one is really nice.
on My way by dyldonomus
All the best___Orlando
on Day 27 by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
nice work :3 seriously i liked how everything flowed ... :D
on My way by dyldonomus
Best, Danke
on My way by dyldonomus
on Day 27 by dyldonomus
on My way by dyldonomus
on Day 27 by dyldonomus
thanks for taking the time to listen and comment!