Hah I know that feeling well... I operate with a 2.4 ghz processor and 512 of ram... my kingdom just for a gig! lol Oh well I do with what I can for now. Love the thump of this... and that flute is killer. Awesome listen! :) Lisa
That's a shame you lost all your work :( I lost the wavs for my first 3 tracks in a crash, that was bad enough. This is very cool, I love both the melody and beat... and the changeups make it interesting. Enjoyed it very much here :) Lisa
on Controlling Hell by Squidwelder
on Controlling Hell by Squidwelder
on Run From the City by Squidwelder
on Run From the City by Squidwelder
on The Light by Squidwelder
on The Celebration by Squidwelder
Love the synth in the beginning, its one of those
on War Dirge by Squidwelder
on The Celebration by Squidwelder
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