Cool track terrancet! The beat has a very nice rhythm to it with all the elements blended together. It’s simple but very effective. The mix sounds good too. Nice work.
This has a ton of potential (with the right rapper, ofcourse). Very nice beat. One thing, I found your main refrain (sounds like modified keys) are a little on the loud side. Maybe you could turn them down a tiny bit.
Otherwise, very solid work.
Thanks I am always looking for talent that I feel has potential of 'the setting world on it's ear'. But yeah with a re-listen I noticed the same thing.
The beat is longer (on my SoundCloud account) and yes it does seem repetitive. It needs more too. Thanlks for listen and sorry for getting back to you so late.
This track one has one sample and that is reversed vox sample. The rest of it is all me. I already own a keyboard. Thanks for the listen though. I really appreciate it.
This piece has a nice connection with each sound present. Good looping points and the levels are near solid. The only thing I can suggest for improvement is to try using an eq to push the mid section up front a bit. I do like the overall tone but needs some air in the gut to hold this powerful presence of piece you've shared with us. A must listen for the full track when it's available. Interesting ideas here and good efforts. Thanks for sharing, Peace.
Thanks. I thought so too. Every element I put in this track has a purpose. I think i needs more but I am just going to ride with what it is now. But yeah the boost in the mids would probably get rid of the over sibilant sound i keep hearing. Thanks for the advice and listen.
as a follow up to your reply- haha of course i would listen to the revised version, i wanna see if you got better. And no worries about thinking your slipping up, all of it takes time to perfect, and advise must be taken. Thats what were all here for when commenting on stuff. How can we get better if noone tells us we might have done something wrong? Anyways, dont be too hard on yourself, keep at it, and i cant wait to hear more from ya!
Thanks, i really do appreciate it. I like how you followed up. I thought since your first comment was stating that it was not good enough and repetitive that you would not listen to revised copy. I was really surprised to see your name and I happy that you re-listened to the track. I just want to put my best foot forward for you guys and I like how you told me I was slipping.
beatzmode is right! id say use a nice oscilator bassline with some distortion to let it sound a little bit aggressive, i can hear it already, but i cant explain well ! sorry for that! but that beat is dope tho. peace T !
Yeah I was thinking about adding some saturation to the bassline so it cuts through the mix better. I have one but the piss poor job ive done on gain staging is the problem. Thanks for listen and comment.
It has a good vibe, but there aren't very many changes. Very repetitive. sorta quiet too. I like it but it could use a lot of things, sounds added, maybe some vocals, a variety i guess.
Keep at it!
Yeah I am about to add some vocals in the near future but I recently been babysitting girl's nephew that does not get the idea of 'shut up'. So recording is at a halt for the time being. I just realized that I had my studio monitors were up all the way when mixing so that is why it is so quiet. But yeah I will definitely increase the gain on the track.
Nice one. I agree with the your response to BEATZMODE, there's always something to be improved. As producers and artists we truly are our own worse critic. Practice is key, consistency and almost obsessiveness at times.
That's part of what I think it takes to become truly great and a master of the art. But yea, I do think this one needs a bit of work though, nice ideas with the synths. Drums are lil low but I like a minimal approach with my drums as well.
I try to keep my reviews as unbiased as I can as sometimes (at least for me) artists/producers do things a certain way for a deeper meaning. Or it was just intentional. I appreciate things like that, the raw manifestation of your work so to speak.
We are human, so we are flawed. That's just what it is. We cant strive for perfection but that word itself sounds so void to me. Flaws are what humanizes us. Anywayssss, dope work still bro just keep the ball rolling. peace
Drums... Yes. They may have lost it value while gain staging. I am my worst critic. I want to update it but I have a few artists that are working with it. Yeah I need to learn more production tips and tricks to make better beats. Mixing is my biggest problem so far now. I need to learn more and read more on it to successfully do it right.
Surprised this hasn't been reviewed more, supposing because it is a basic piece, but I really enjoyed listening to this, had a nice chill vibe about it, even when finished had to hit the play again, nice easy listening piece...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
I really like the words you had to say. The lyrics on this song is really great. The beat is my only problem because it's kind of off beat but it still works. The bass and piano was very emotional and I think that worked perfectly for what you had to say. Overall I think this track was a strong one and had a strong message which needs to be heard. Thanks for the listen and keep up the good work.
Yeah my production work definitely needs to improve. But I do not know why you think it is off beat. Maybe it is. After I produced it, I just felt the emotion of the track so I spit to it. But yeah I can only better if I work and analyzed my steps i take.
I like it. Who gives a Fck! The last verse caught my attention more for some reason. Think I'll go over it again while I play some chess. This site needs more good writers in the Hip Hop genre so, hearing this was like a breath of fresh air.
The Third Verse is the only verse I didnt have to make as many vocal chops as i did in the second verse. But always trying to improve and get better in every stride but it doesnt happen over night. Thanks for your feedback and i glad you liked it.
i like your sounds, man. it's a nice beat. what would you be lookin for in a collab. the rap? that's not me. if you want a melody that might work over your beat I might be able to come up with that. nice start - keep goin bro. cheers.
I need more original/innovative sounds that will make my beats pop. But I am trying to get to a place where I am comfortable with producing tracks and love what the end results are. I am not bad nor good. We all need to improve. Thanks for your input though.
I fuck with the lyrics. I fuck with the emotion. Good song. Can be great with better execution. Tighten up the timing of the flow and eveything will be gravy.
Exactly. I need better execution but I am glad you enjoy the track. It needs work with the concept also but i am really happy you enjoyed. Thanks for the feedback.
Man this is deep and harcor! I love the depth of it! Reminds me of one of my earlier songs "fuck you". I am in love with offensive music, so I dig it. You've got a great delivery, and the recording is well done, so I can't complain. Made me groove, do you've done the deed. Potent track! Fav'd!
Man i tried to found that track. It definitely has the same emotion. Thanks for your input. I feel like the vocals need more work though. I want to re record the vocals though but thanks. Sorry I got back to your so late.
on For Me and Mine INSTRUMENTAL by terrancet
on For Me and Mine INSTRUMENTAL by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Revised by terrancet
on For Me and Mine INSTRUMENTAL by terrancet
Otherwise, very solid work.
on I Know Its Wrong Revised by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Revised by terrancet
Dope concept tho, if you work with FL studio lets work on this together if youre interested
on I Know Its Wrong Revised by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Revised by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Revised by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Revised by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Revised by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Instrumental by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Instrumental by terrancet
on I Know Its Wrong Instrumental by terrancet
Keep at it!
on In Your Face Instrumental by terrancet
That's part of what I think it takes to become truly great and a master of the art. But yea, I do think this one needs a bit of work though, nice ideas with the synths. Drums are lil low but I like a minimal approach with my drums as well.
I try to keep my reviews as unbiased as I can as sometimes (at least for me) artists/producers do things a certain way for a deeper meaning. Or it was just intentional. I appreciate things like that, the raw manifestation of your work so to speak.
We are human, so we are flawed. That's just what it is. We cant strive for perfection but that word itself sounds so void to me. Flaws are what humanizes us. Anywayssss, dope work still bro just keep the ball rolling. peace
on In Your Face Instrumental by terrancet
on Who Cares by terrancet
on In Your Face Instrumental by terrancet
Surprised this hasn't been reviewed more, supposing because it is a basic piece, but I really enjoyed listening to this, had a nice chill vibe about it, even when finished had to hit the play again, nice easy listening piece...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
on Who Cares by terrancet
on Who Cares by terrancet
on In Your Face Instrumental by terrancet
Sorry about getting back to you so late I just have just been busy. Thanks for your feedback.
on In Your Face Instrumental by terrancet
on Who Cares by terrancet
on Who Cares by terrancet
on Who Cares by terrancet