I really like your idea of making these looperman mixes. This one is great too! But one complaint, at 0:14 piano and synth are in completely wrong key... But still good work!
u could have worked better on loop selection and like it was not too necessary to use every loop cuz everything is trying to push through and creating a sort of mess...
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on mix number 3 by BlackLotusAudio
on looperman mix 2 by BlackLotusAudio
u an surely work better than that.
(thats what think)
on looperman mix 2 by BlackLotusAudio
on looperman mix 2 by BlackLotusAudio
on purple bolts by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
really nice
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on the looperman dubstep mix by BlackLotusAudio
on Drop It by BlackLotusAudio
on Drop It by BlackLotusAudio