

Cape Town, South Africa
Joined : 9th Apr 2014 - 10 years ago
Comments on steve010101 tracks

Other users have posted 85 comments on tracks by steve010101

Comments 26 - 50 of 85
crucethus 10th Sep 2014 06:31 - 10 years ago

on Disintegration by steve010101
It's like minimalist Psy-Trance. good work all around.
steve010101 replied 11th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
I didn't really know where the track was going when I started out. I was aiming for an ambient sound, but the psy-vibe took over completely, haha!. Thanks for listening.

LivingInSilence 10th Sep 2014 02:34 - 10 years ago

on Disintegration by steve010101
Love it. 0:00-0:26 sounds really clean and natural compared to the rest of the track so I feel like you should have a similar thing to that play again in the middle somewhere. The bass and kick sound great but do my head in after a while, So I think you should bring that first part in again just to give the listener a short break from it.

But yeah, great track. Probs the best i've heard all morning.
steve010101 replied 11th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
I changed the track up a bit since your comment, so hopefully it flows a bit better now. Thanks for listening.

DanGoldstein 10th Sep 2014 01:00 - 10 years ago

on Disintegration by steve010101
i like the way you work these synths. very nice mixing. it isn't easy to have a lot of lows getting along. Seems you are achieving that. I understand better the idea of psytrance from this track. Of course the trick is to add something new as we go along in the repetitions and you get that. nice work. enjoying to the end! peace.
steve010101 replied 11th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Im glad you liked it.

monsterage 15th Aug 2014 01:22 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
love it man, its very unique in sounds :) very very good my friend.
GalanticMusic 14th Aug 2014 10:50 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
Devodale 12th Aug 2014 14:50 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
Wow! I liked it. Very nice sounds and composition. Great job!
radioilluminati 12th Aug 2014 13:15 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
I can't hear anything that stands out negative, so that means it is well made. Good job!
dansjoy4 12th Aug 2014 01:08 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
Very unique piece here! I love it!!! ;)
steve010101 replied 12th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for listening.

Kind regards,

GramoChopin 11th Aug 2014 19:46 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
Really chill piece here Steve. Love the vocals. And off topic, I kind of liked your last avatar pic more. How's mine? For some reason I see both of your different avatar pics simultaneously from the featured section and your profile. Must of just taken a effect maybe. Regardless still cool. Real nice chill vibe to this, blissful. peace

steve010101 replied 11th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Glad you liked this track. Its weird that you see both avatars atm. I got really bored of my old avatar, so I just changed it to an image on my desktop -- probably will change it again soon though.

Your avatar looks pretty cool, but I could only see what was going on in the image by going to your profile page.

Anyway, thanks for listening.

Kind regards,

BabyBrady 11th Aug 2014 16:47 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
Yo, this is dope! Who's the female? I like the way you built the track!
steve010101 replied 11th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
The first vocal is by jennymayhem:, and the second vocal is by janis71: Thanks for listening.

Kind regards,

StaticNomad 11th Aug 2014 09:14 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
A rainy fade-in intro with some delicate synth sounds building up and then we have a vocal slotted into the mix. She has a soothing, kind of sexy voice.

Some bell-like sounds and then we get to a bass drum beat and some bigger choir vocals as the lead.

Pretty dreamy, far out, escapist stuff here and it all sounds pretty clean. Bass is very subte but that works fine.

2:35 it gets a bit bigger and more dramatic.

3:04 nice held, high vocal and then a return to the spoken word and the rain to finish things off.

Good work and definitely good chillout music.
steve010101 replied 11th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks for the listen -- glad you liked it.

Kind regards,

Spivkurl 10th Aug 2014 20:14 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
Hey cool build up here! That vocal sample sounds nice, and you've mixed it well! For some reason this sounds like it would be great in a movie or at least I would like to see a movie with music like this. Not generally a big fan of choir sounds, but I think you've used them well. Nicely done! oh man i'm hungry now...
steve010101 replied 11th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Glad you liked it. Thanks for listening.

Kind regards,

MOONLYTE 10th Aug 2014 19:34 - 10 years ago

on Every Last Breath by steve010101
Man i really like this one. Im a sucker for choir sounds, which go really nicely where you put them. Especailly at 2:36.
My only suggestion is maybe add one more type of melody somewhere in the middle, so its not too repetitive, but even as it is, i really like it.
steve010101 replied 11th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Glad you liked it. Maybe another transition somewhere in the middle of the track would work. Thanks for listening.

Kind regards,

StaticNomad 5th Aug 2014 12:27 - 10 years ago

on Frogs and Helicopters by steve010101
Damn, I was listening to the first couple of minutes trying to work out why you thought this track was weird as I found it somewhat beautiful. Then I got my answer around 2:20.

It is weird to only think about frogs and helicopters!

So, first couple of mins have nice pads and an uplifting set of piano chords and other gushing, unfolding pad stuff.

0:30 cello stuff is very warm. My main problem there is that the drums are too dry and everything else has reverb on it so I'd give the drums some reverb. Just a light touch to send them as far out as the drums.

1:13 good dramtic transition as reverse cymbal takes us into another piano-led section.

1:45 string hold and fade is good. And then there's more movement, almost arpeggiation, on a lower string part. Drums are a bit too minimal and simple for me.

Then 2:20 weirdness and then some odd glitching and scratching. Can't say I like it too much but it's definitely weird and trippy. Bit too much of a gimmick for me.

Then we're back to the beautiful stuff, which is what I like about this track but then you go and glitch it up again. How about just making the glitching a lot subtler and less extreme?

4:05 is a good opportunity to do more with the drums but they're the same as at the start. Could really build them to make the track bigger and more powerful. Then vocal sample and scratching is pretty much the same as before.

Overall, a unique track with some bits I really like (but which can be improved) and others I didn't really like (which can also be improved).

Good work.
PRINCELECTRO 3rd Aug 2014 21:18 - 10 years ago

on Blow Your Mind by steve010101
nice one , should be more tramsitions and melodies, but still good..and i can say that it has a big potential.. well mixed and sounds good but as I said,you should add melodies..good job, keep it up mate :)

all the best
FreeRadical 3rd Aug 2014 10:37 - 10 years ago

on Blow Your Mind by steve010101
Yeah i like it. It's like the old school trance with lots of nice whooping sounds and epic build up's. I would have liked to have heard you pick the pace up with some tops (hats and snares) but otherwise i like the vibe of it. It's got a relentless hands in the air thumping vibe to it. It just needs a few finishing touches.
RenzWilde 2nd Aug 2014 21:33 - 10 years ago

on Blow Your Mind by steve010101
I have never written a trance track but I have a suggestion for a transition. At :44 when the drums come in, I'd throw a change in 4 bars after that. Drop a key or whatever. The 2 parts going back and forth, maybe with little variations , leading up to your break at 2:15. Another possibility is expand on that break as well. Keep it as is for a few bars, then have it build up a bit more dramatically to the return of the main theme.

Just my input since you said it was a work in progress and you're looking for suggestions.

Sounds good so far, like to hear it when you feel it's complete. Good luck!

ThatThereSam 2nd Aug 2014 20:46 - 10 years ago

on Blow Your Mind by steve010101
Nicely put together and the mix is good, I just personally feel it drags out and the patterns become a little repetitive. My suggestion would be to have more sections and changes—more events, if you will.

I apologise if I come across overly critical. I would by no means call it a bad track, I enjoyed listening :)
steve010101 replied 2nd Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Totally agree. I guess I should have specified in the description that this is a work in progress, and I am looking for feedback as to where the changes should happen. This is just the husk of a track atm.

Thanks for the feedback!
Cestevens1783 2nd Aug 2014 16:22 - 10 years ago

on Blow Your Mind by steve010101
Hello again! I do like the vibe on this, it makes you want to get up and do something, such as defeat a hoard of vampires...sorry..been a busy netflix week for me ha..Love it though.
steve010101 replied 2nd Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks Charlene, nice to hear from you again. Glad you liked this track. Its still a bit raw though, but I like the vibe of it.

Thanks for the comment.

GramoChopin 31st Jul 2014 03:41 - 10 years ago

on Finding You - Version 2 by steve010101
Sup man. So I was almost about to take another break from this site but then I listened to this. This really calms me down man, been just a little stressed out lately.

Nothing I can't handle though ha but yea digging the sounds and rework. I can't remember exactly how the original sounds but this version is pretty good. I remember the vocals, you chopped em pretty good. I like the chill vibes alot. Sounds great to me, I guess the vocals could be tweaked a bit but I like the gentleness of them.

There could be a bit more variation and the mix isn't that bad. Keep working bro, peace

brillbilly 30th Jul 2014 22:57 - 10 years ago

on Finding You - Version 2 by steve010101
This was real chilled man! it!

This was so nice to just hang back and let it take me!

very nice work!

GramoChopin 28th Jun 2014 23:34 - 10 years ago

on Two Seasons by steve010101
Agree with the others, I do like that vocal in the mix, excellent vocal chops as well. The synth kind of didn't make sense to me, it almost sounds a bit dubstep like. Ah! but what's this? I'm liking this break down at the 3:12 mark, I'm a sucker for the piano. And is that some glockenspiel added into the mix? Very nice. Now the end synth is what you should expand on, and are the vocals gated/delayed at the end? If it is, you could maybe expand upon that too. Just some suggestions. Great production. peace

Boon 28th Jun 2014 23:21 - 10 years ago

on Two Seasons by steve010101
Nice ambience, great journey thanks!
Spivkurl 28th Jun 2014 19:23 - 10 years ago

on Come Home by steve010101
Very cool song in every way! Seems more like chill out or something, but I'm glad I clicked on it all the same. The guitar and vocal parts compliment each other well, and the mixing sounds great on my speakers. I want to echo danke's inquiry regarding the waveform, as I've never really seen a song look like that, especially on Looperman. Have to wonder what was done differently. Either way, was a pleasure to listen, great work! Fav'd
Livingsoulsdie 28th Jun 2014 03:59 - 10 years ago

on Miss You - Reworked by steve010101
This track is awesome !
Comments 26 - 50 of 85