

United States
Joined : 14th Feb 2008 - 17 years ago
Comments on KattWinter tracks

Other users have posted 17 comments on tracks by KattWinter

Comments (17)
BillKennedy 13th Jul 2011 01:13 - 13 years ago

on Sleepy by KattWinter
I love this! You rock balls Katt! I want to produce your next CD. Call Me!

BillKennedy 13th Jul 2011 01:11 - 13 years ago

on Sleepy by KattWinter
I really love this Katt. You f**king rock!
Genise 12th Apr 2008 20:43 - 16 years ago

on Sweet Dreams by KattWinter
its a very different approach to the song it's very busy, i have to agree your voice is somewhat spoiled by the mic and the mixing of your vocals but! those can be put right ...great effort and well done.
shamus1 13th Mar 2008 07:33 - 16 years ago

on FRUSTERATION by KattWinter
I think that distorted vocal was intended blue transit. She was trying to use it as an FX vocal, but applied it wrong. You should use a vst plug in, like a vintage warmer and add it to the track your recording your vocals on. Try to eq out all the bad frequencies to,somewhere between 300 to 800hz. Keep at it and read up on mastering techniques or just pm slap he is good and can help you. Also go to computer music website loadsa free stuff
blueTransit 6th Mar 2008 12:41 - 17 years ago

on FRUSTERATION by KattWinter
ok the song itself is pretty dang cool, some cool sounds. but holy cow the vocals are turned up so high. not that your voice is bad (its quite good) but its heavily heavily distorted.
SLAPJOHNSON 5th Mar 2008 03:09 - 17 years ago

on Sleepy by KattWinter
Great test run! Very creative sample of what's to come! I look forward to listening to your songwriting. Cheers Salp...
Sector7even 4th Mar 2008 10:57 - 17 years ago

on Sleepy by KattWinter
very cool!

fiery 4th Mar 2008 09:07 - 17 years ago

on Little by KattWinter
Once you get yourself on a roll it's funny how lyrics will come out of you without you even realizing it. It's called inspiration ;) You've got a gorgeous voice, and I think you could literally sing the phone book and sound good. Much enjoyed! ~Lisa ps. I'm always losing one earring too.. it's the shit backs they make for them lol
JohnBoutilier 4th Mar 2008 07:58 - 17 years ago

on Sweet Dreams by KattWinter
Love your voice. I agree that a better mic, with less static, would be advisable so that we could hear more of your voice. The static might also be a result of clipping. Anyways, I'm also looking forward to more.

blueTransit 2nd Mar 2008 20:03 - 17 years ago

on Sweet Dreams by KattWinter
too much going on at once, and the levels are way outta wack. I like your voice, but you need a better mic. i like the song though and i think you should keep at it!
Thrillseeker 29th Feb 2008 16:57 - 17 years ago

on Sleepy by KattWinter
I must say like this:) If you take the part from 0:00 - 0:20 and use it to make a complete track, i think it would be really nice!
Planetjazzbass 29th Feb 2008 15:35 - 17 years ago

on Little by KattWinter
This is very courageous stuff...Shit! I can't do this..You put yourself out there...right out takes a lot of guts to do that....10/10........getting back to the music side of things.....Get a pop filter for your mic,there cheap and they stop all the percussive sibilants of the voice without degrading it........I'm not trolling here but check out my track ..Kylie...think about giving it a go.....You are a real piece of work Katt...don't change!...............planet :-)
MonsieurDongBag 29th Feb 2008 08:55 - 17 years ago

on Little by KattWinter
you have a nice voice to be willing to put yourself out there on a track acapella. props.
fiery 20th Feb 2008 07:27 - 17 years ago

on Sleepy by KattWinter
For a test run I really loved this.. you have a beautiful voice, and very obviously creativity. Sorry, couldn't leave this track without saying something.. looking forward to hearing more of your own stuff. Lisa
fiery 20th Feb 2008 07:24 - 17 years ago

on Why Can't You (rough) by KattWinter
Girl, I LOVE your voice. I think you have a ton of potential if this is only an idea. Keep playing with the software.. I went from loops to synths in one track, out of plain ol frustration lol. It was easier than I thought it was going to be.
JohnBoutilier 18th Feb 2008 12:30 - 17 years ago

on Why Can't You (rough) by KattWinter
Excellent vocals. There is some distortion there though. You can prob fix that easy enough. A very haunting piece. Love your voice and your style.

Keep it up.

Astrobouncer 14th Feb 2008 19:58 - 17 years ago

on Sweet Dreams by KattWinter
You have a great voice and I like this take of the song. Look forward to hearing more.
KattWinter replied Unknown
Thank you that is really sweet!
Comments (17)