there is a weird sound that seems at 100% to the left, i think you put it to the center o try not to pan 100%. there s a piano i think that come at the end, I don't know but i think it's need space. Don't be afraid to take off some part of the beat to put new part.
Dude. I love this. The change up at 0.54 really made it for me. Like the other guy said it's alittle repetitive but that doesn't need to be a bad thing for instance this would be perfect for someone wanting audio for a youtube video.
You said to wahoco that your new to this, if thats the case then you are defiantly doing well for being new.
The drum beat with all the other elements layered behind it gives it a really nice flow btw. Im over here bobbing my head like crazy haha
This is pretty dissonant. Your chord choices are very unique. The change at 0:54 is very cool. I think some change in the drum pattern would help. The same beat for 2 minutes can get a bit stale. The instrument choice is excellent. Cool song.
ok man, that intro actually hurts my ears. Please eq more and add more reverb to that high pitched sound, also that panning thing you did, doesn't work. i get where you were trying to go, but you really didnt go there.
An interesting piece in his progress that makes me think of molecular movements in a rarefied atmosphere. Some jazz accent complete your sound proposal that I listened with pleasure.
magical ambience. interesting choices of sounds and nicely mixed together. I don't get the connection to hip hop but I'm sure you do so it's cool. Regards - Dan
on your name by MXT43
on Stars in your Eyes by MXT43
on Sunday Afternoon by MXT43
on Sunday Afternoon by MXT43
on Sunday Afternoon by MXT43
on Sunday Afternoon by MXT43
cant help you on that, i struggle too
i like the track for sure! good work
much love
on Stars in your Eyes by MXT43
You said to wahoco that your new to this, if thats the case then you are defiantly doing well for being new.
The drum beat with all the other elements layered behind it gives it a really nice flow btw. Im over here bobbing my head like crazy haha
Awesome work!
on Stars in your Eyes by MXT43
on Sun or Moon by MXT43
on Sun or Moon by MXT43
on Casino by MXT43
on Follow da Wind by MXT43
on Follow da Wind by MXT43
look forward to more
this is dope
hope to see more
on Follow da Wind by MXT43
on Follow da Wind by MXT43
on Follow da Wind by MXT43
on Follow da Wind by MXT43