Do no wonder now why I am checking tracks you have posted 3 years ago. I told to myself it might be nice to comment when you also commented even tho 3 year ago. :) Nice few good ideas in this tune mate. Can't belive it was your first. Well the bass need more variations even tho the sound is great. Beat super. Atmos cool...
This is good work. Luvvverly synth sound . Nice metallic drums too. Cut stuff up more and the track will improve, try filtering the lead synth and making different versions of it. You got the beginnings of a good track here.
The only thing im gonna suggest is that you top that sub bass with a higher note, the freqs are so low its hard to notice pitch and pull out the harmonies. Great tune though.
Youre doing great. Expression is the objective not necessarily perfection at this point. Listen. Learn. evolve. And a little tip...Dont dog on your own tracks by telling listeners you ran out of ideas and such. You uploaded the track because you felt ready to. When your standards go up that will not necessarily occur less frequently but to a different degree. keep your opinions of your own meticulousness to yourself and let others nit pick. Keep it up! BOH!
on Bgun by koopaz
My computer crashed and I lost everything haven't had time recently to start up again?
Feel free to check out my soundcloud /koopaz or my YouTube /jimar35
on Fresh by koopaz
on Loopy by koopaz
on Deep Bass by koopaz
on Bgun by koopaz
on Bgun by koopaz
on Bgun by koopaz
on Loopy by koopaz
on Fresh by koopaz
good job:)
on Fresh by koopaz
on Fresh by koopaz
on Fresh by koopaz
on Deep Bass by koopaz
on Loopy by koopaz
on Loopy by koopaz
tx for another good track, downloaded!
on Loopy by koopaz