This song really has a story. I like it. I a few moments there are vocal mistakes and guitar could be better played, but still background vocal are great and the melody's original.
this is a pretty good track, the lyrics painted the picture, and the solid yet relaxed feeling guitar play really makes this track easy to listen to. I like it, it really tells a story. good luck!
This is nice Stephane - it does have a very western feel to it, partly because of that tremolo guitar sound. I agree with Wayne too - it has a live feel about it. Good one!
I LIKE THIS ALOT! the music reminds me a little of a Doors song, while the lyrics sound a little Axl Rose-ish. (those r 2 of my fav. bands to listen to) I added this to my favs, but any way i could get an mp3?
Nice to hear a new one, sounds great! It's amazing what can be done in just over 2 min. I like the lyrics, tells an interesting story of your friend Poppy and great delivery on the vocals. Did you buy a tambo? Sounds like a live track. Very cool track Stephane, loved it!
I really like this track. Great guitar playing. Great descriptive lyrics, which I always like. Can't say enough about your vocals..... You did it again man. Take Care
This is very unique my friend! I love the tone on the guitar and how it's played! I found it a little difficult to understand the lyrics, but they were sung very well! Definitely an early 80's vibe to this song. Nicely done!
StÃÂphane - remains a devastating track, the enhancements on the vox really serve the lyrics as well as the understated but smoldering music - here's to better roles, better souls, my friend
hey bro just letting you know you are an amazing guitarist/songwriter i wasn't mad that you used me i was actually quite honored but i was just letting you know i was a part of it! =)
Very sorry for that man,I must have got the name wrong,that's why I mention Bonesrecordz in my track description.Thanks a lot for those great loops!
French Kid
Very Catchy little tune you have here mr.Frenchkid ! Sounds a bit like Indie meets electro - and it works very well to my ears. That lively guitar sits very nicely with the electro-style.
StÃÂphane - great gtr/beat music providing contrast to the deadpan vocal delivery - i do think a faster tempo and/or stickier drums would really work with this
Like eshar said this reminds me too of some Beatles song (like they too panned there vocals, etc) Superb track. Is this you on the vocals? If yes you have got great voice (very pure). Nice rhythm. I don't know when I would be able to produce such masterpieces.... :(
Anyways Thanks.
on Easy take by FrenchKid18
French Kid
on Easy take by FrenchKid18
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
French Kid
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
I agree with you about the vocals and guitar mistakes but I really wanted it to be a "1 take" recording.
French Kid
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
Just leave me your email and I'll send you the mp3 for sure
French Kid
on Harlem Tango by FrenchKid18
Thanks for the great tune to play to!
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
I borrowed the tambo from my 3 year old daughter,lol!And I'm still looking for my maracas
Take care
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
amazing guitar work as usual lol... i feel like i know her now hahhaha "she aint no bimbo blond" lmao, top lyrics
hope all is well mate..
Always glad to read your comment.
Take care
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
French Kid
on Poppy Rawson by FrenchKid18
Happy you like the song!
French Kid
on The story of that guy by FrenchKid18
Keep them coming buddy!
on Easy take by FrenchKid18
It's probably because of the French accent,lol
I send you the lyrics by on your mail
on Easy take by FrenchKid18
You're right,it definitely sounds 80's
on Easy take by FrenchKid18
I'm really happy you still like the track
on Marshmallow eater ft Wayne by FrenchKid18
French Kid
on How stupid men can be by FrenchKid18
French Kid
on Marshmallow eater ft Wayne by FrenchKid18
i like this track
it´s easy to hear...fav... and 3000000 points
on Marshmallow eater ft Wayne by FrenchKid18
French Kid
on Marshmallow eater ft Wayne by FrenchKid18
here is the link to my loops
good work though
i am that dun dun dun dun dun dun piano thingy. i named it gangster piano.
French Kid
on In phase by FrenchKid18
It's quite different from what I usually upload so I'm very glad you like it
French Kid
on Marshmallow eater ft Wayne by FrenchKid18
Gonna try it with faster tempo
on Marshmallow eater ft Wayne by FrenchKid18
on How stupid men can be by FrenchKid18
Anyways Thanks.
French Kid