A fam the beat is hella nasty! The way you made it you can easily just add a artis on there with a crazy swag and it would be complete. Or have like a 2nd lead through out the verse to make it sound full. Other then that beats hot fam.
love the track dude. great sounds. i love me some low bass and the synths and other sounds kick ass too. nice progression. a little short but its still sweet. i'm really feeling this track I've been freestyling over it all day. i'd love to lay something over this beat. nice work man.
cmon guys this guy deserves it. really bad mysterial mood Im gettin when I hear this track the ah yeah is cool mixed under the whole thing, like the snare alltough I kinda miss sum more rimrolls. anyway this could be a movie intro or sumthin cheerz dusthill
haha just listened to and thougt: damn this guys has a feeling for the right synths! what I heaR? isnt that one of my synth loops cumin softly from the background ;) good improve with the guitar tough.. luuuv the "dadadadada" rimshot really gives a good grooov maybe add sum fat bassline to and youre all set ^^ keep mixin' cheerz dusthill
it just might be one of your loops, ive got so much shit on my computer i dont know where half of it came from, so if it is, thanks. thanks for the review also, ill try some of the stuff you suggested, see what it sounds like.
thanks for the review. i can make it as long as youd want. i just get bored with some of the tracks i work on and they end up only being 2 min long, but thats because i dont just loop stuff over and over, the beat changes like 20 time during the song, must be my ADD.
on just really good by IDkYOU
on just really good by IDkYOU
on just really good by IDkYOU
on no idea by IDkYOU
on just really good by IDkYOU
really nice
on no idea by IDkYOU
on on FIRE by IDkYOU
excellent synth work
on aW yeah by IDkYOU
i like what ya did with my groove loop! when i made the scratch with the 'ahh yeahhh' vox, i thought.. man i need to add a beat with it!
i like what you have added ;)
Good Job!!
Butcha d-_-b
on on FIRE by IDkYOU
on on FIRE by IDkYOU
on aW yeah by IDkYOU
on cant stop by IDkYOU
on piano man by IDkYOU
on slow n low by IDkYOU
on ride by IDkYOU
on slasher flick by IDkYOU
on chinky I'D by IDkYOU
on on FIRE by IDkYOU
on on FIRE by IDkYOU
on aW yeah by IDkYOU
on on FIRE by IDkYOU
on on FIRE by IDkYOU
I LOVED this. That is some nice work.
Can you make the whole thing longer?????
I was lovin me some synth work, and the dropping back out to give the beat room to breath felt nice.
on on FIRE by IDkYOU
on chinky I'D by IDkYOU
on Killin EM by IDkYOU