I was looking for a lazy, melancholy sound to go with my photos of Tucson, Arizona, murals. I typically like Spanish guitar for anything "Tucson" related, but your track was perfect for my murals. If you'd like me to share with you for your own promotional purposes, let me know.
I get where PJB is coming from. This definitely has a commercial quality to it, though I would say the reason is because it would be enjoyed by non metal listeners as well. The only thing missing from this baby are a sweet set of lyics and vocals.
I am loving this! Im glad to have "found" you on the loop! This reminds me of when Metal could be about glorious quests and adventures ala: Iron Maiden, Armored Saint, or stuff along those lines!
I've been around here for a while, and I occasionally put some of my experiments on here. This is one of them. It's not finished, and rough around the edges, but as I learned soon enough, looperman is a perfect place to just put stuff on and get honest feedback.
I can see where your going with this..it's got an almost commercial pop vibe to it,but maybe that's the imagined singing I can hear in my head.....definitely put some vocals over this if you can,then it would be very cool..the start and ending are quirky,but I don't know how many times you can get away with that though...sounds good..cheers planet
I would put some vocals on it if I could sing worth a damn :)
If anyone feels up to it, grabbing any of my tracks and putting vocals to it is appreciated and allowed.
As for the beginnings and endings, well, I'm not 100% happy with it. Basically I use my metronome, count to four (or eight), and dive in. I guess that explains why it can be quirky. I do need to fix that somehow.
ew That's sweet. Nice crunchy rythym moving sorta epic progression - very nice. I would love to hear like Izotope's Trash distortion plugin on the guitars here to just really make them pop and out and up front. Cool stuff! enjoyed.
Ah, so you think it would pop more if I used a distortion that would emphasise the high freqs? I did crank up the highs with an eq on the rhythm-guitar track so it would crunch a bit more.
Glad you liked it.
EDIT: Thanks for the tip on that VST plugin, I'm checking that out.
Raw and nice. And even if I sometimes feel you're slightly off the beat with the guitar, I really dig the musical ideas and the intro is rippin. Heavy.
yeah...nice track...im an old metal fan...i played stuff like that with my guitar 15 years ago...but it still sounds fresh :)
i must say that the guitar and bass is out of time a bit here and there...but the whole track reminds me on my metal days :)
good job...keep it up :)
PS: dont listen to my tracks...you would not like it :)
It was just slapped together in a short while, so yeah, stuff could be a little out of sync here and there. But I'm glad you like it. I'm working on some more things, now I finally got my DAW sorta set up the way I like it. Stay tuned \m/ :)
I love metal Thursday,it should be a requirement!
You did a great job...guitars are heavy,as they should be and how do you get your drums?
I feel better already,I would swing my hair around if I had any:)
Haha, welcome back mate. I vaguely remember you from a while back (the guy with the cool name). Anyways, noticed this thread when I was looking for another one & figured that I'd swing by to check out your new tune. Now lemme just listen to the rest of it... BBIAF.
Play 2 now...
Though short this is a pretty decent track you've got started here. This would be really great with some pads and brush drums, me thinks. Kinda has an epic space adventure or cruising the countryside vibe to it. I would definitely love to hear a longer version of this. Hope to see more of you around. Lates!
Yeah!...rip it up..it's got that raw go for it attitude stamped all over this piece...if you'd been having a few beforehand it doesn't hurt at all.....makes you want to get up and yell!(don't know what)...cheers planet
I'm sure Pachelbel is shaking his head at this from wherever he is, but I had fun making this. The canon can be abused for almost anything. Everyone else is raping it, so I thought I should have a go. Thanks for the review, I appreciate it.
Funny sort of tune...it's got a bit of everything...the ending needs a bit of cleaning up though and sometimes the drums are at odds with the melody......nice tone on the guitars....cheers planet
Yeah, I have heaps of this stuff that needs some tweaking in one way or another, but that's why I come here, to get honest feedback. Thanks. I'm glad you like it though.
Wait, I can't find my lips (looking under the table)or I'd say "WOW! That rocked!". The overall sound reminded me of garage bands I hung out with in the 60's, actually practicing in backyard garages. Good times. Good track. Moke
Kind of a 80's power ballad sound to it. At the end almost a sound like "The night they drove old dixie down" Great work. Funny how a loop site has better musicians than the musician site I also belong too. Check out Sixfinger and Bilbozo for another couple of great guitarists.
very retro! and i like it
but i do agree with the drum computer drums. try a slight compression and eq lowered on the higher side of things?
also if you have one try a limiter?
loved the style though!
When I redo it, I'm just to going to record it all over again, with a nice acoustic drum loop, and a lot less guitars (right now 4 are doing the lead parts, which is *quite* over the top), and I'm probably going to compress the hell out of it to make it crisp. The important thing is the melody line, because that just rocks.
Thing is that my levels were messed up when I recorded it, so the original project is basically a lost cause (but I keep it around for reference).
Very cool to have another guitarist in the community. This song is very cool and deceptively simple, eh? You might consider doubling or tripling the rhythm guitar to give it a little more meat. And don't sweat drums, simple is good...all that matters is that they are on the beat. Good work. Peace, Six
It is simple (even though there are quite a few chords and some subtle complexity in the rhytm guitar, listen for it closely). The twin solo's are the simple part. The second guitar in the twin is only playing two notes :)
I mostly went after atmosphere. I could probably redo the solo's (there's one glaring mistake in there) and do a little less bending of strings and maybe more arpeggios and hammer-ons.
Well, the goal was to get near the style of finnish rock, and I think I got close enough. But if you think it's maiden-like, then great, I worship those guys too, so I consider that a compliment :)
on Midsummer's Lament by coolvibe
on March Until We Die by coolvibe
Very well done
Glad you enjoyed and thanks!
on March Until We Die by coolvibe
Glad you liked it. And stay tuned for more :)
on March Until We Die by coolvibe
If anyone feels up to it, grabbing any of my tracks and putting vocals to it is appreciated and allowed.
As for the beginnings and endings, well, I'm not 100% happy with it. Basically I use my metronome, count to four (or eight), and dive in. I guess that explains why it can be quirky. I do need to fix that somehow.
But thanks for the review. Glad you liked it :)
on March Until We Die by coolvibe
Glad you liked it.
EDIT: Thanks for the tip on that VST plugin, I'm checking that out.
on Satanic Sunday by coolvibe
on Satanic Sunday by coolvibe
on Satanic Sunday by coolvibe
on Thursday Hairfest by coolvibe
check out my song tell me what you think
on Thursday Hairfest by coolvibe
i must say that the guitar and bass is out of time a bit here and there...but the whole track reminds me on my metal days :)
good job...keep it up :)
PS: dont listen to my tracks...you would not like it :)
on Thursday Hairfest by coolvibe
You did a great job...guitars are heavy,as they should be and how do you get your drums?
I feel better already,I would swing my hair around if I had any:)
on Midsummers Lament (unplugged) by coolvibe
on Midsummers Lament (unplugged) by coolvibe
Play 2 now...
Though short this is a pretty decent track you've got started here. This would be really great with some pads and brush drums, me thinks. Kinda has an epic space adventure or cruising the countryside vibe to it. I would definitely love to hear a longer version of this. Hope to see more of you around. Lates!
on Midsummers Lament (unplugged) by coolvibe
on Pachel-effing-bel (in D) by coolvibe
on Santana's revenge by coolvibe
on Glam Attack by coolvibe
on Midsummer's Lament by coolvibe
on Santana's revenge by coolvibe
on Glam Attack by coolvibe
but i do agree with the drum computer drums. try a slight compression and eq lowered on the higher side of things?
also if you have one try a limiter?
loved the style though!
Thing is that my levels were messed up when I recorded it, so the original project is basically a lost cause (but I keep it around for reference).
on Run to Nowhere by coolvibe
on Midsummer's Lament by coolvibe
on Midsummer's Lament by coolvibe
I mostly went after atmosphere. I could probably redo the solo's (there's one glaring mistake in there) and do a little less bending of strings and maybe more arpeggios and hammer-ons.
But I'm glad you like it. Thanks :)
on Run to Nowhere by coolvibe
Thanks for the review. :)
on Run to Nowhere by coolvibe
loveing your stuff man