Exactly what it says on the tin! nice and dark instrumental, smooth and clean sub sound coming through nicely, id be very surprised if you couldnt find anyone to throw down on this as its got a nice flow going so good luck in finding a vocalist and thx for sharing a listen ;)
Yes that is sad though the piano sounds nice and lost deep within those thoughts during creation. Like a flip book reminiscent type flow. "Got me seeing these dreaming memories" Nice work, what did you write this piano piece for? Keep going! Peace.
Thank you for the insight. I'm glad you picked up on the fact that I was really lost in deep thought when I created this piece. I didn't create it for any reason, other than it was coming from the heart. Personally, I just want others to enjoy it. I really enjoyed reading your comment. Thank you again and thank you for the encouragement :)
I've listened to your music and found it impressive as it contains a great part of originality, I love this track in particularly because of the kick/bass. I'm looking to upload some of my acapella's but since the last, here I notice people create new (fake) accounts just to grab and go, using vocals for commercial work without consent. Tho I'm working on a new song and was wondering if you could take a took at it, maybe figure something for my style. Let me know if I can be in touch, thank you and congrats upon the beats.
on Sad Piano Hip Hop Instrumental by DJNCap
on Dark Hip Hop Piano Instrumental by DJNCap
on Dark Hip Hop Piano Instrumental by DJNCap
i have a song already and this is the perfect beat
on Sad Reflective feat Jimmery Caine by DJNCap
on Dark Hip Hop Piano Instrumental by DJNCap
on Sad Piano Hip Hop Instrumental by DJNCap
on No Escape by DJNCap