

Salt Lake City, United States
Joined : 18th Jul 2008 - 16 years ago
Comments on Matney tracks

Other users have posted 10 comments on tracks by Matney

Comments (10)
DJ_JEZZA 2nd Aug 2008 14:36 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
Sounds more like jazz than blues to me, its far too "happy" for blues ;)

But like the groove :)
AcidParadox 1st Aug 2008 17:22 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
And you say this is a rough mix?

It sounds really great man,specially the trumpets.

Nice Song
layneeugene 31st Jul 2008 22:32 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
I think you know by now the length. lol. I thought this had more of a reggae feel. even with a slight taste of ska, since, of course, the horns. If you throw a sax solo, you should have the bass play of off that. If you add keys, be careful not to crowd the space. The guitar already plays well, and the drums should stay back and just hold the groove. I like where this is going. I look forward to the finished piece man.
alividlife 31st Jul 2008 07:56 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
Uhhhh, I feel the summertime.. For some reason, and I am probably off base, but i feel Jack Johnson/G. Love/John Butler Trio feel. (I bet you have heard this guys, if not, CHECK EM OUT, You will dig)

Really good. Way better than I can do. lol.

It's hard to say man. It's short, but your use of space is good. Don't lose the space, it adds to your ambiance, in your favor.

Ohh and finally, 78 BPM... well, times that by 3/4, a 1/2? see what you can find? It might work. Go with your feel with samples, but then again, I feel like that guy who is giving financial advice but is always broke, because I am sucking with the looping.
And yah, this is one of the best tracks I have heard on looperman, AND you used loops from Looperman!

Elongate. That's all.
sketch 30th Jul 2008 23:29 - 16 years ago

on Vallejo Dub by Matney
thats cool man... i see what u mean about the lead, sounded alrite anyway tho, i guess u explained it the best in your description.
i would recommend getting the full version of fl if u can, it would have been cool if u had been able to save this and make it a bit longer maybe (or at least it gives u more time to work on tracks), it can be quite versatile as long as ur prepared to put up with some tedious tweaking.
anyway, keep it up ur onto an interesting sound
Planetjazzbass 30th Jul 2008 21:41 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
Hey feel..a great vibe started here....I agree with a lot of what's already been said...let me just add that in your introductory post in the forum you hinted at this blend of genres...well you certainly have delivered on that pronouncement.....this sort of groove will always be way gets right into your system from the first beat......I love it!...hope to hear lots more from you...cheers planet
mikekeyz 30th Jul 2008 12:46 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
I agree with them it's too short !!!just when you start getting into it. Looking forward to hearing more of it when you got it where you want.
meestege 27th Jul 2008 05:40 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
I agree with the other reviews. It's a good idea, just fill it in. It's much too short. Maybe add a bridge and a lead guitar in the middle and if you can sing add some voice.
It's really worth it.
Matney replied Unknown
Thank you. :) I hadn't even thought of adding vocals, though I'm comfortable singing. I guess it's all a matter of writing lyrics, now. :)
monotone 25th Jul 2008 09:49 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
i would say this is one of my favorite tracks i've heard on here
Matney replied Unknown
Thank you!
rei4real 25th Jul 2008 00:48 - 16 years ago

on Brown Paper Bag by Matney
man, I love it ... but it's way too short!!!
great playing, and a marvellous theme ...
this could be a cracker, so work it out ...

peace, rei
Matney replied Unknown
I totally agree. I have big plans for this, including a bridge, but I'm now limited to the musical skills (and free time) of my friends. 78 BMP is weird to find loops for.
Comments (10)