hell yea, I'm in my math college class waiting for class to start. I clicked on this track and it starting blasting through the speakers, now everyone is dancing hahhahhahhah. Great job this is freakin crazy wicked...(downoad and fav)
this is dope! i like the beat fo sho! it sounds like you sequenced some loops and took a rasta sound kit to add flare to it! i want to download this mane! get at me~
on GHETTO STORY by Mrshammi
Mr Shammi is very popular right now and it's no wonder
on car wash man by Mrshammi
on hands up feat shammi accapella by Mrshammi
on Booty Like That by Mrshammi
on GHETTO STORY by Mrshammi
on Party Over Here by Mrshammi
on car wash man by Mrshammi
on GHETTO STORY by Mrshammi
on GHETTO STORY by Mrshammi
on hands up feat shammi accapella by Mrshammi
on GHETTO STORY by Mrshammi
on hands up feat shammi accapella by Mrshammi
on Booty Like That by Mrshammi
on car wash man by Mrshammi
on car wash man by Mrshammi
on hands up feat shammi accapella by Mrshammi
on Booty Like That by Mrshammi
on car wash man by Mrshammi
on Booty Like That by Mrshammi
on Booty Like That by Mrshammi
on car wash man by Mrshammi
Mos' ReQuest~
on car wash man by Mrshammi
on hands up feat shammi accapella by Mrshammi
on car wash man by Mrshammi
on car wash man by Mrshammi