Nice work man. we all question our self every now and then, thats part of what makes us human. If it wont for those thoughts and emotions to give us inspiration we would never here music as good as that. Its seems clear to me that your good at wot you do because of the way you are so dont give up just yet !!
Great song! Continue your music production and trust in trance. If i trust in my music, you should too, because your music is GREAT!!! I dont know what to say this song is perfect!!!!
Nice 1 man, great track as always, uplifting trance... :)
I think you should do both, cause you have a musical talent, and I'm very sure one day you are going to make money out of it ;)
Really terrific track my man! The mix is awsome and the melodies you have in here really stand out. Only thing for me was the arrangement...felt I got lost a little and started feeling a different song had started around the 4 min mark..Try and keep the song feeling like 1 piece of music ... coz there are a few little breaks in there and it does get a tad confusing listening to it...But like I said the "sound" is wicked good!
Wow DJVO, this is a powerful track. The time you spent on it shows. The sound quality is as good as it gets. I love how well you mixed in all the various sound effects.
I'm Impressed man! I have just started to get into making trance and it is'nt that easy.... Like your style... Have you any tips on making up good drum rolls?
Holy mother of god ... (or something ?) This is sick!!!
I love it, i really love this style, like progressive/hard trance! You really did a good job on this one VO, nice One :)
Shame it had to end man! I was lovin that track....really like the feel it has..think you could expand on the beep beep melody too as the song progresses, with some nice armin style chord changes on the beepy melody (sorry dont know what synth it is...) it would really sound immense...Keep me informed wen the finished version is up man...Nice work!
This is a hard track,mos def. The beat is very well done. Love the piano partz. The orchestral piece is beautiful and really holdz the track together. The vocalz are ok. This would be the perfect riddim to drop some knowledge of self type lyricz on. I LOVE IT. oNe,SS
Woah im loving this track man..... This is straight awesome.... Like DDR all over again.....OMG I LOVE THIS!!! The little video game sounding bell synth just came on!!!! OMFG!!! THIS IS GREAT!! FAV!!!!!
Dooope stuff man in really diggin your ish, you should definatly post up some more hip-hop beats, im impressed being a hip-hop beatmaker for a few years now...
Stay Up!
Review Some of my stuff that'd be great could always use the feedback
Siiiiiick track my friend and really feeling the beat!!! Great Mix On It!!!!! Not Bad Rappin' keep it up, practice makes perfect, nice mix tho im diggin it overall real deep, niiice...
Drop by my page lemme know watcha think of my work!!!
Them rhymes would be siiiiiiick as an Spoken Word format tho!!! lol matter of fact, im requesting one, lol, if you got just vocal tracks of that song, and a lil time on ure hands, bounce em out n post em up!!!!!
on Is it a mistake by DJVO
on Is it a mistake by DJVO
on Is it a mistake by DJVO
I think you should do both, cause you have a musical talent, and I'm very sure one day you are going to make money out of it ;)
Keep this going DJVO is my advice to you man!!!
on CQC by DJVO
on CQC by DJVO
on CQC by DJVO
Love your work!
on CQC by DJVO
on Old style hat by DJVO
trance producers
I like the sound
of this its very
BTW i listened
to your new track
its really awesome
I use that song along w/
Catmikaze to get my
head in the game for all
my track meets
on Vipex (LPM version) by DJVO
on Die-a-bolic (demo) Xtnd by DJVO
Good sound with really nice panning
So far so good, love to hear it when it's finished...
on Die-a-bolic (demo) Xtnd by DJVO
I love it, i really love this style, like progressive/hard trance! You really did a good job on this one VO, nice One :)
I cant wait for the full version, keep it up !!!
on Die-a-bolic (demo) Xtnd by DJVO
on Please get up by DJVO
This is a hard track,mos def. The beat is very well done. Love the piano partz. The orchestral piece is beautiful and really holdz the track together. The vocalz are ok. This would be the perfect riddim to drop some knowledge of self type lyricz on. I LOVE IT. oNe,SS
on synergy comp- Stay sharp 2009 by DJVO
on Please get up by DJVO
Hmmm on second though link is dead, no results... :( :( :(
on Wan i was a kid by DJVO
Stay Up!
Review Some of my stuff that'd be great could always use the feedback
on Please get up by DJVO
Drop by my page lemme know watcha think of my work!!!
Them rhymes would be siiiiiiick as an Spoken Word format tho!!! lol matter of fact, im requesting one, lol, if you got just vocal tracks of that song, and a lil time on ure hands, bounce em out n post em up!!!!!
on Yesterday becomes tomorrow by DJVO
on Old style hat by DJVO
on Roswell original mix by DJVO
on Old style hat by DJVO
on Roswell original mix by DJVO
good job my friend:))
on Roswell original mix by DJVO
on Roswell original mix by DJVO
on Roswell original mix by DJVO
Excellent sidechaining :-)
wish i knew how to do that