

Joined : 6th Sep 2008 - 16 years ago
Comments on frequency tracks

Other users have posted 2 comments on tracks by frequency

Comments (2)
etamski 20th Mar 2010 00:40 - 14 years ago

on Frequency by frequency
czesc...albo dobry wieczor...jak dobrze popisac po polsku:P:P:P juz mam dosc tego english..ale moge powiedziec ze nice aphex a little..naprawde ciekawy..lubie jak utwor sie zmienia tak ze nie kojarzysz go z poczatkiem:P:P szkoda ze tylko one track na liscie twych utworow:P:P..milego i zapraszam na moje konto..paaaa:)
Sixfingermusic 21st Oct 2008 07:01 - 16 years ago

on Frequency by frequency
This is what I believe would be referred to as anti-music. I like it because it is so extremely different. I have no idea what genre this would be, or if it qualifies as music even. There is a melody, I think, buried underneath all the weird sound f/x, and one of the most unusual beats I have heard in a long while. Way to do something different. I admire your willingness to take a chance and throw it out there for all to see and hear. Peace and love, Six
Comments (2)