cc niko, très bonne zik!!! Jm bcp, le talent est en toi..... continue ainsi et le monde de la musique t'ouvrira bientôt ses portes. Bravo mon frère jsuis fière de toi
La bise!!!!!!!
I love this sound so much i hope you don't mind i've used it on one of my youtube videos and i have also credited you in the description and left a link to this song too :)
you can check out the video here if you are interested:
c'est considerablement inspiré de Bouga -> Belsunce breakdown (un bon titre rap ceci dit en passant) volonté de remixer ou juste inspiration involontaire?
on CHINESE FOOD by Nocisla
on CHINESE FOOD by Nocisla
on KAIJU by Nocisla
on KAIJU by Nocisla
La bise!!!!!!!
on KAIJU by Nocisla
you can check out the video here if you are interested:
p.s the video is still rendering so will be HD soon :D
Thank you and keep up the great work!
on KAIJU by Nocisla
on KAIJU by Nocisla
on CHINESE FOOD by Nocisla
on BENIGHTED by Nocisla
Thanks for sharing.
on CHINESE FOOD by Nocisla
on BENIGHTED by Nocisla
drums and bass kill it
on BENIGHTED by Nocisla
on BENIGHTED by Nocisla
on BENIGHTED by Nocisla
What's the credit?
on BENIGHTED by Nocisla
on BENIGHTED by Nocisla
on YAGAMI by Nocisla
on YAGAMI by Nocisla
on ERROR666 by Nocisla
on ERROR666 by Nocisla
on THETHYS 4444 by Nocisla