Playing Cee lo with satan! A yo! I hope you win for real. A lot of emotion in the first vocal and the second vocal followed just nicely. Would like to hear more vocal processing on the singer's part (wet those vocals up a bit more). It looks like this track is about 6 years old so maybe you have updated the song. Peace & Blessings.
Awesome!! You melded the best of P-Funk, White Cherry, Sly-and Roger and the gap band, maybe the conmmodores too, but a nice blend. Avec some rap as well. great work!
thx man. ur the shiznit. ima put out a demo and i got u on a shout out. i think u heard the old take of this b4 but this is the mastered one goin on the cd. i haven been on loperman for a minute but within a few days ima post up some more songs from my solo stuff and my group
Some good flows man, could do with slowing down a little and working on the clarity in your delivery. Also the lyrical content is a little shallow, I know it's meant to be a fun track, but still.
hells yeah thanx man. i like hearin that u payed attention to all the lyrics and punchlines. shallow is a perfect comment i would look for. mad fun makin this song wit a fast style over a funk time beat. got a mastered version comin eventually. check it out
Awesome track man! i love this old style hip hop its awesome! Im gonna download it for sure! great track man...this is the first hip hop track im gonna fave! well done buddy!
man this song still rocks...i have it on my mp3 player and its one of my suprised so few reviews or plays for that of the best ive heard
hells yeah man thanks! we just got bac from doin a 2 week tour. bout to post up a couple more songs and beats i made while i was bored in the van. next 2 days or so with a couple more mc's too
Nice smooth chill out flow man, vocals are tight, beat is mad nice, diggin the slow style.
J DOT ~ 2006
By the way, Im headin to NJ for a mini vacation from the 25th to the 28th of this month. Its Jackson NJ ( I think its near the Jersey Shore ) - my girl and I plus a few friends are going camping at this place called Tip Tam Camping Resort. Whats there to do out there ? You performin aty any venues ?
sorry haven on that much. internet is messed up on my lap top and had a bad ass injury for like a week. we just had a kick ass show last night and we do have a show on the 27th. were not that far from jackson depending where at. you can check out the date time and where it will be at on our myspace too. that show is gonna be alot of fun underground scene and party.
sorry took couple days. busy as hell with work and all. my boy ray strife is rappin. were To Live and Die in Nj. you can check out some pics and other tracks on myspace. ill check out some more of your stuff this weekend and show him some tracks and all
Man...YES YES YES!!! I'm always looking at the reviews about people that wanna colab and in my head i'm like, "i hope they ain't wack;" But YOU...YOU my dude, You fit the bizzill!!! I need to know how to contact you bruh ASAP.
Yeah dude, are sick with the flows for sure. If you eever wanna collab let me know. I think I got some Instrumentals that would fit you perfectly. Let me know what you think!
on i die on stage by swisschz
on lost love pills malt liquor and a boombox by swisschz
on place ya bets in by swisschz
It is brilliant piece of music.
I love the intro.
Well done.
on the decline by swisschz
on the decline by swisschz
on party in the hchc by swisschz
Top work my friend
on lonely London Streets by swisschz
on Shake Them Fleas by swisschz
on bi polar narcissist by swisschz
on Shake Them Fleas by swisschz
Look forward to hearing some more stuff.
on i die on stage by swisschz
on place ya bets in by swisschz
on i die on stage by swisschz
on i die on stage by swisschz
the beat is killer tight. so smooth that bass :D
the flow, man, lovin it!!!!
great track, big ups man
Butcha d-_-b
on party in the hchc by swisschz
on to live and die in nj - intro by swisschz
on the decline by swisschz
on i die on stage by swisschz
on i die on stage by swisschz
on i die on stage by swisschz
on i die on stage by swisschz
J DOT ~ 2006
By the way, Im headin to NJ for a mini vacation from the 25th to the 28th of this month. Its Jackson NJ ( I think its near the Jersey Shore ) - my girl and I plus a few friends are going camping at this place called Tip Tam Camping Resort. Whats there to do out there ? You performin aty any venues ?
on the decline by swisschz
on the decline by swisschz
on the decline by swisschz
on place ya bets in by swisschz