hot man I luv the kinda cinematic intro u got in this one and the melodic is catchy good work! PS: good use of the crispy noise sound in the background =) cheerz dusty
Lol i know it's crazy how you keep telling yourself, man i'll backup later...and later never comes lol. but yea thanks for the review cuzo, i'll do that.
Thats crazy i had a 500 gig hardrive of my own that had all my music i hav been maken for years and it crashed now started completely over no how u feel learning experience.
on Falling Of A King by ThaArsenal
p.s. there are programs, that can restore data on crashed harddrives
on Falling Of A King by ThaArsenal
on Falling Of A King by ThaArsenal
on Falling Of A King by ThaArsenal