It's a very nice track. I really dig it, has it been already used? I'm a filmmaker from Brazil and I'm looking for something just like that for a project for a short movie, 100% independent, I'd really like to use it if I can.
Nice track!Like it a lot,especially this sweet dark intro.Your guitar tracks sound very neat and clean,very good mixing as well.I'll be checkin' for more
French Kid
WOW. Miots man back in town!! Great track and I think you need someone with a "rock" voice to add vocals for the first bit and then mellow out for the jazz part. Here are a few ideas for vocals = "This is just a test. play it close to my chest. no-one need know I'll just keep on smilin' This is just a test, they say just do your best. thing is now I'm slidin' now I'm compromising, I find it's hypnotising. this is just a test?? well I failed and wailed and bled my tears, but keep on hanging on to my fears...(just a few ideas) hope this helps. Keep on making your classic sounds.//
Whats with all these unknown users checking out your track? - you appear to be attracting a shy type of listener. I realy enjoyed this lovely number. The acoustic guitar work is excellent and nicely balanced with the piano. If I have one minor criticism it is the slightly discordant part ( you will know the part I mean ) I think fixing that would make it perfect - great work, downloading & faving.
thanks for taking the time to listen and review. i appreciate your words and suggestions, though i have to say i must be losing what i had left of musical ear...i can't find that discordant part you mentioned...can you help me out so i can fix it? thank you!
This is proof FL Studio is still underatted as a DAW. Your sound is inspiring. I use FL Studio 8 and use FXpansion GURU for my drums but havne never been able to get the pressence you have in your track... whats the secret! haha
hey, thanks for your comment! i know, FL Studio is a very powerful tool, yet really easy to use...about the drums, (i'm not familiar with that Fxpansion GURU you mentioned, sorry) what i usually do is compress...A LOT...specially the kick and snare...i usually set the compressor to a ratio around 7:1 with an attack time between 25 and 40 ms and a relatively short release...then i just mess with the threshold...that and a good makeup gain should really give you a punchy beat...always experiment!
Another incredible track mate...and that acapella you mention is radium x i think coz i used 2 of his in my track La Moniqua..
I really like this one and the panning on that one vocal is really cool!! Fantastic work man! Do you write the leads on a keyboard? Or note for note on the piano roll...?? Just wonderin..
hey man, thanks for your comments (and for the acapella credits correction) about the leads, i do them note for note on the piano roll...that's actually how i do everything, since i don't have a midi controller...peace mate!
dude...this is f'#kn awsome! What a have definite pop talent matey! Sounds a bit Calvin Harris actually! Very very good track! I'll keep listening to your stuff! Man...that funky little synth is wicked!!
on if you touch me by miots
on elle (from bchris' and slap johnson's Elle) by miots
on I Do (by bchris) by miots
on Scene 3 by miots
on this is just a test by miots
on silent keys by miots
I was thinking about making it the credits song.
on Scene 1 by miots
on Scene 1 by miots
on A world full of monsters by miots
I love this one too. Your other one - Circles - is up on my site and actually I put it up on my Soundcloud site as well.
Hope that's ok and that ur well.
on 15 thousand by miots
on Time by miots
on Scene 3 by miots
on Scene 1 by miots
French Kid
on blueberry by miots
on this is just a test by miots
on Time by miots
on Time by miots
on Time by miots
on tektonik 3 by miots
on A world full of monsters by miots
I really like this one and the panning on that one vocal is really cool!! Fantastic work man! Do you write the leads on a keyboard? Or note for note on the piano roll...?? Just wonderin..
on tektonik 3 by miots
on Spot by miots
on blueberry by miots
on Quarantined by miots
on blueberry by miots