

Rhythm is a dancer and God is a DJ
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Joined : 11th Mar 2016 - 9 years ago
Last Online : 20th Jun 2024 - 8 months ago
Comments on Wobbin tracks

Other users have posted 62 comments on tracks by Wobbin

Comments 1 - 25 of 62
XDOUSP 13th Jan 2025 20:32 - 1 month ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
nice lead :)
XDOUSP 2nd Oct 2024 08:44 - 5 months ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
It is a good demo . The sound design is real good
Djsquezze 11th Jun 2020 14:08 - 4 years ago

on Wobbin - Therapy - Unofficial preview by Wobbin
Nice vibe
Mosaic 27th Aug 2017 06:04 - 7 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
Hey Wobbin

Long time mate, hope things treating you well, I attempted my first and prob my last Halloween track, happy way turned out, liking the Techno one you have going here, nice strong beat and bass line with vocals snips filtering through out, liking the space you have left in the track allowing great suspense waiting for the main track to kick back in, like the arrangement and mix sounds great through headset...nice work mate...Fav...Peace n Respect...mosaic...
eggs0ntoast 31st Oct 2016 09:50 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
nice track dude it has that outdoorsy sound like at a festival or something, reminded me of younger days :)
Neomorpheus 16th Oct 2016 18:17 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
Hey Wobbin, really groovy Halloween track here bro. The intro synth melody is classic cinematic horror theme. A lot of production work in here that takes us on quite a fun little journey through a managerie of scary soundscapes and effects. Looking forward to hearing the completed version.
Wobbin replied 16th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Neomorpheus!
Classic intro indeed. I can not play piano actually so I was just messing around sketching idea's until i've found out that this small and very simply tone ladder actually had the perfect effect and tonality.Pretty sure it might not be original, but it works :)

I hope to finish the piece within a few days!
- Wobbin
surya94 14th Oct 2016 05:44 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
this is pure genius stuff.
recently ive been more into mau5trap artists like no mana, black gummy and rezz. and my production is also inclining toward these dark sounds.

this minimix gives an idea what an absolute banger the complete songs would be
definitely looking forward to it.
Wobbin replied 14th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks man! Glad that you like it :)
I think we should just find an abandoned industrial location stating that your latest techno a-like track is very awesome also!! What a rave would that become haha ;)

Going to try finishing this mix this weekend.
Burtsbluesboxes 13th Oct 2016 21:38 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
I'm going to need some new zombie skin boots, after raving a few nights in a row I passed out from exhaustion and some a$$hole stole them! If you see 'em make the thief add them into the stew! Catch any boobies yet? I picture a really big zombified troll like dude in a cave off to the side of a rave standing at a big black cauldron set on a fire with arms and legs sticking out (clothing,shoes and all), stirring up some tasty stew. Mmmmmm Seconds plz!
Wobbin replied 13th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
LOL your imagination seems to know no boundaries.
My biggest motivation to go for techno with my ideas is actually this:

I did not catch any boobies yet in my progression :( I did manage to find some time to do a bit of editing and mixing in the existing parts but have not extended the mix yet. I hope to do so this weekend and also add some nice scary booby traps in the theme i've set in the above.

One big scary rave it is
FullCapicityMuzic 13th Oct 2016 15:34 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
The into reminds me of the Undertaker, you know, wrestler, you know right? Lolol This has all sorts of scary creepy halloween goodies in it. Sorry I don't have any technical advice, I know nothing about any of that stuff. :-)
Wobbin replied 13th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Hi, thanks for passing by and dropping a comment :)
Glad you could appreciate the theme and did not run off after listening to change underwear and thereby forgetting to actually comment :D lol
swindla007 12th Oct 2016 21:37 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
Umm, ok, some people have written reaaally long reviews, i'm afraid mine will be shorter. First the intro is amazing, she sounds like my kind of girl - hot and most probably possessed by Satan...mmm satan. Lol
I like everything youve done with this track, i could see me hunting clowns in the forest to it, and you know how much i love to do that...
Anyways..i love the darkness (of course), i love the dance parts (cant wait to hear the final product) and of course i loved your description because in it you said the magic word that always keeps my attention....
Booby hehe....
Good job bro
Dj Swindla
Wobbin replied 12th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks man! Long reviews, short reviews, I just respect the fact people stop by and actually take the time to comment. I always try to encourage others by doing it myself also almost daily :)

I am very happy how this has come together so far. And will work just as long on it untill its nearly perfect in my mind.

Thanks for your kind words bro, Coming from you means something!

- Wobbin
BLEEP 12th Oct 2016 21:17 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
pure song for teknival! this kind of sound need to be listen with a wall of speakers!!!!

The part between 02:04 and 02:45 is not my favorite! the others parts are really good! i like this heavy kick, it's like a heartbeat before a heart attack :)
the melody is hypnotic with clever variations, i give you a like and i'm pressed to hear the final version!

Friendly Bleep
Wobbin replied 12th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
I agree! Funny fact: I did not used to like techno untill a year of 4/5 ago. Long story short, been to a very tiny but AWESOME techno party. There where only like 40 people, and it was on in a real dance studio which was made very dark for the scene and lights. Nothing too cool and fancy like a warehouse rave, or one of those romanticized locations. But I can tell, that was one of my top 5 parties ever. I got hooked on and found the love for techno where I before found it way to boring and slow. I even wasn't sure if I wanted to go out there with my friends because the city had so many events and tiny parties. Even with big artist. And we where going to some tiny unknown techno party at the end of a small ally LOL.

Anyways, on topic: I have made the kick a bit punchier now. Just slightly. But together with asidRn's review, and the listen through another audio device made me change it. The part you mentioned is actually more of a trancy part. But with almost the same sounds as the techno track before that.

Thanks for your kind words tho! Up to the end result very soon :)
- Wobbin
crucethus 12th Oct 2016 15:01 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
Cool intro then it gets all Bro-house, if you could expound on those sounds by building a more complex sound it would be I think more interesting. Otherwise House night Bro!
Wobbin replied 12th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for passing by! I've already made some changes and mixing edits and will continue doing so and also add some stuff here and there. I wouldn't name it directly more complex, as it is and will stay minimal techno flavored with a scoop of Halloween. But I do want the tracks itself to have a bit more halloweenisch in them and a pinch more depth.
- Wobbin
Burtsbluesboxes 11th Oct 2016 04:27 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - HELLoween Themed techno mini-mix by Wobbin
*Slips on zombie skin raving boots and werewolf fur coat :p Oooh Like that opening with the church bell. They say you used to hear corpses exploding underground in church yards as the bodies decomposed and gasses built up bloating the body. I'm liking this danse macabre. If you want some ambience to add to the graveyard atmoshere, freesound is an excellent site for free sounds. I love using an old gate creaking like entering and owls hooting setting the night scene. Looking forward to more as it's a wip :D
Wobbin replied 11th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
SSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH don't give away my source!!!
hahaha I think pretty much 90% of all my spooky sounds came from there.

I would like to add some more freaky moments throughout the rest of whats coming. Like 3:15. A knife sound and scary dude unexpected middle in the track. While it does sound perfect with the music :D
- Wobbin
Tumbleweed 9th Oct 2016 20:15 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
I see you have feedback from some of the artists here that know of what they speak...and I think you know that I can`t really claim much knowledge of the genre...but I certainly can appreciate the work you did on the mix and the thought that went into the arrangement...and most importantly, is good listening music (I have been getting a bit of education here on LM).....great job rock...Ed
surya94 9th Oct 2016 12:08 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
tracks like these help us budding producers set a benchmark. like this is the type of sounds we want to make, this is the type of mixing and clarity we want to achieve.
The track is an absolute banger.
Wobbin replied 9th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
thanks man! i'm realy glad you liked it! :D
DanGoldstein 7th Oct 2016 12:03 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
First off, the quality of your mix is fantastic. the richness of the sound in intro is real ear candy. Your effects are very cool and the drumming is also excellent. Great work. Fav!
Wobbin replied 8th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words! I really appreciate that!

- Wobbin
crucethus 7th Oct 2016 04:21 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
This is what house is about. Awesome riffs, and a minimalist approach with a devastating beat and groove.
cool work.
Wobbin replied 7th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks! Glad you like it man!!
Tripcore 30th Sep 2016 17:56 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
the very end of the track*
Tripcore 30th Sep 2016 17:55 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
The build-up at 1:07 is masterful .. one of the best I've heard in a long time..

I also enjoyed section 1:44 - 2:13

I kind of wish there were 16 odd more beats at the very end, just to finish it off..

Great job on the Remix overall.. I did listen to the original as well for comparison


Wobbin replied 30th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
thanks for stopping by and having a good listen to both the original as my remix!
- Wobbin
Spivkurl 29th Sep 2016 14:00 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
Damn this is cool! You've obviously been tapping into your talents and honing your skills! One thing I look for in a song is the urge to turn up the volume early in the song, and this one had that element for sure... so I did turn it up, and I was glad for it! Very big sound, but not overly wet - Very cool arrangement! Creative to remake the piano part and record your own vocal bits, that added a lot to my ears! I think I've heard one other remix, but not the original (I think), and this one is definitely left more of an impression. Be proud! Fave!
Wobbin replied 29th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey mate,
Thanks for passing by and sharing your kind thougts! This was a fun project indeed. Getting the vocals right was quite a challenge with no mic at all at my fingers LOL. Used an old gaming headset mic...

But hey, being creative doesn't know bounderies right?!

Take care!
Mosaic 29th Sep 2016 08:43 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
Hey friend

Nice intro to the piece, deep house feeling coming to me, great transitions, nice piano bass and beats, clarity of the mix is definitely have some talent my friend...lots of different things going on but done so well...impressive work...Fav...Peace n respect...mosaic...
Wobbin replied 29th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the comment mate,

Yea quite some tiny details. I like my tracks like a good glass wine. Easy enough to drink enjoyable but yet a wine that has tiny details in it that gets discovered by drinking it a few times more.

Best of luck with your shoulders!
- Wobbin
BLEEP 27th Sep 2016 11:52 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
wow wow wow! what an amazing track! please please could you allowed me to download it?
Wobbin replied 27th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Glad you like it! :D
You can download it here:
NateJMusic 27th Sep 2016 01:06 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
There you go with some hypnotic groove that gets you moving. Good job, as always...
Wobbin replied 27th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Hi Nate,

Thanks for stopping by and taking a min to comment :)
haha yeah hypnotic boppin groove indeed.
- Wobbin
sheensheep 25th Sep 2016 20:27 - 8 years ago

on MADCAT - Forgotten Hero - Wobbin Remix by Wobbin
I really like this song. What I really appreciate is how it changes tempo throughout the song. It added a completely different dynamic not commonly heard in a lot of house music, and it was certainly interesting to listen to. This is the first song I listened to after coming back to Looperman and it reminded me why I love this community.

Wobbin replied 25th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Welcome back it is then :)
Thanks for your reply! I'm glad it is to your liking.
- Wobbin
FullCapicityMuzic 24th Sep 2016 01:35 - 8 years ago

on Wobbin - Second - Original Mix by Wobbin
I totally wish I knew how to (properly) belly dance. The beat here made me want to get up and dance around the room. Good energy, cool vibes, especially when it didmthe break down and kinda changed keys, that part. :-)
Wobbin replied 24th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Hi, thanks for your comment! I often find the mainstream tracks in this genre kind of 'nude' or 'bold' or however you say that in their beat and certainly the drops where most do not even apply a proper beat and just a kick/hihat and 1 snare at most lol.

Glad you like it :)
Comments 1 - 25 of 62