I liked what you were after with the phase on the vocal.
Sounded like you concentrated on production a lot....
The vocal mic had a super high noise floor on it. Get her in a different room to record her if at all possible. If your going to have that high noise floor, dont mute it at the end of her vocal; just fade it all the same so its not quite as obvious.
Haha..I think it's interesting that you placed this under R&B...reminds me of Fireside Theatre...there's a few outro glitches on the sampling..but hey it's the creative ideas that are important and this is full of them....I'd add a little bit of reverb to Brittany's vocals just to soften them up slightly...otherwise this is pretty cool ..I like the windscreen wiper sample a lot..cheers planet :)
an anti-pop screen is basically a layer of thin fabric you put in front of the mic so it doesn't capture the excessive amount of energy from impulses, like the p's and t's, preventing it from reaching its headroom, thus from clipping. If you're interested, check this link, i just found it, tells you how to make your own anti-pop screen, lol!
nice tune...i like the sound on the guitar...it's an electro-acoustic guitar plugged directly to your sound card, dubbed and panned, right? it's got a nice sound, and you got've got a nice steady strumming...not very usual among guitar players, hehe...i agree with the tempo changes, they're a bit too edgy, but it's a good concept overall...oh, and about the mic, it sounds like a condenser mic...those are pretty sensitive, so try not to sing too close to it, or turn your head away from the mic when saying p's and t's to avoid popping...or you can get an anti-pop screen, lol. Good Song
Hey dude this is funny!! Do you make these up as you go along...coz sometimes thats the best way!! And How much weed DO you smoke by the way??? lol!! lIKE YOUR TRACKS!!!
sometimes we make them up as we go but since our buddy B-Rad G sang on this track, i wrote the lyrics before he sang. But he is not all up there so he ad-libbed some lyrics on accident. The Electric Kitten is drug-free, with the exception of B-Rad G, but i will definitely take that as a compliment bro.
Hi TheElectricKitten,
Thought that I get around to reviewing one of your tunes
here. This isn't the type of music I normally listen to,
but it sounds kinda cool to hear something different than
what I create myself.
I guess the synth could be turned down a little as another
suggested as it cuts over the voice in some places.
Thanks for uploading,
I enjoyed this track..cool beat! I agree with smpulse though, I think the vocals should be a little more clear. Cool stuff though I like the creative sound!
on Clock Blocking by TheElectricKitten
Drop this around -1 decibels.. -3 with a good dynamic compressor, focusing on the music. You got a good mix.
on Clock Blocking by TheElectricKitten
when i was in high school, we used to play this game... we called it CB... it usually ended in blows being thrown.. but it was still pretty funny.
the name of the game is CB...
You intercept every woman your bro goes for. So, in your case, you are cool lol...
Brotha lynch. SacTown.?
I dig it.. i really do tho.
I think it's cool you got 200 plays and 4 reviews.
You can have every chick i slay.
also im not a professional at clipping at all so i just do what i can
on The Vasectomy Of Vampira And Her Lesbian Lover.... by TheElectricKitten
Sounded like you concentrated on production a lot....
The vocal mic had a super high noise floor on it. Get her in a different room to record her if at all possible. If your going to have that high noise floor, dont mute it at the end of her vocal; just fade it all the same so its not quite as obvious.
Other than that, I like what your doing.
on Some Serious Pwnage by TheElectricKitten
good work anyway!
come by me and listen to some techno.
on Liza The Homeless Sex Machine by TheElectricKitten
on She's Picking Up On Good Vibrations While I'm.... by TheElectricKitten
on She's Picking Up On Good Vibrations While I'm.... by TheElectricKitten
on The Pig Says My Wife Is A Whore by TheElectricKitten
on Indie by TheElectricKitten
on Indie by TheElectricKitten
on The Pig Says My Wife Is A Whore by TheElectricKitten
on The Autobiography Of Abraham Lincoln by TheElectricKitten
what spftware did u use?
on Blitches by TheElectricKitten
on Clock Blocking by TheElectricKitten
Thought that I get around to reviewing one of your tunes
here. This isn't the type of music I normally listen to,
but it sounds kinda cool to hear something different than
what I create myself.
I guess the synth could be turned down a little as another
suggested as it cuts over the voice in some places.
Thanks for uploading,
on Liza The Homeless Sex Machine by TheElectricKitten
on Clock Blocking by TheElectricKitten
on Liza The Homeless Sex Machine by TheElectricKitten
on Return To Timbuktu by TheElectricKitten
Keep up doing good work.
It'll be soon my return to timbuktu ;-)