i was thinking maybe you could add in some ambient pads that come in near the beginning and fade out and then come back in every twenty seconds or so for like ten seconds. i just think it would sound really good. just an opinion. it is really short too but it is cool.
I agree. Has great potential here. I'd add more, mix more, and lengthen. But overall the concept, composition, effects and all is coming along very nicely.
I like it! Nice little bassline and good chord changes too, so it goes well with elem3tzorks vocal track!!!! Needs to be a good bit longer tho with more goin on i think, but really good so far!!
thanks dude...i know i have to pút more stuff but so far im out of ideas (maybe not inspiration right now) i was thinkind in addind some ambient pads...any ideas?
on Become the Sky by humbems
on QQQ by humbems
on untitled2 by humbems
the bassline is great and so is te melody
very good
on Become the Sky by humbems
on Become the Sky by humbems
you musty like hip hop.
do you got some acapellas son can do a fusion?
will be cool
on untitled2 by humbems
on Become the Sky by humbems
Keep in touch.
on Become the Sky by humbems
on Become the Sky by humbems
ii still working on it i let you know when im done
on untitled2 by humbems