

Joined : 23rd Nov 2008 - 16 years ago
Comments on RAPPADELIC tracks

Other users have posted 3 comments on tracks by RAPPADELIC

Comments (3)
soundhound 26th Aug 2014 14:23 - 10 years ago

on creamy by RAPPADELIC
Solid tune has a real good flow, a touch too much depth in the reverb
but over all harmonies are tight, pretty close to being just right...
Something a guitar line would help, bring it to the forefront with a relook
at placement and efx this could really be something Good...

EazyBeatz 25th Aug 2014 02:41 - 10 years ago

on creamy by RAPPADELIC
I pretty much agree with terrancet on this one. Other than that just keep playing with your mixing and editing skills n you will have pretty solid ground to work with. keep up the good work.
terrancet 19th Jul 2014 23:18 - 10 years ago

on creamy by RAPPADELIC
I love the funkiness of the track. I think you need a bassline. But i dont understand the interruptions. I dont know if that is my internet service or audio interface but it really taking away from the track but if your are going to do that then you need to switch up the beat to hardcore RnB with weight behind it (you knwo this is my opinion, right?). Other than that it is an easy listen. But I dont know if your mic is lo fl, but i feel like the low frequencies are missing from your voice to add more presence. But really nice work but it need some work to be ready.
Comments (3)