great job bro sounds like a sound track from a 80s movie the base hits hard you did well but som parts the base clips easy fix just turn down a bit but over all great job bro
Yoo man, I like your style of beats ;) this is also a really nice one, but as iBo says, maybe you can add some more loops or put in some more variation at which ones are playing together. but this is some really nice work. keep m comingg ;)! Peace, M-Nikz
You could change that FX Sample to more ''Clappy, Snary'' lol. Anyways you could add something to go with the kick, or master the kick so it would be more ''punchy'' Anyways nice pads, what software and / or Hardware you used ? Did you made your own samples or did you downloaded and / or bought some others?
Feel free to listen to some of my tracks, Cheers....
i did my one sample here...and i made this whit a demo version of FL studio did not expect to come out perfect .anyway..thx for review.....and listen...good luck:P
It's a great theme you got here. If you could find some aco horns & strings to double the synthetics, man this would be rich. I'm a sucker for love stories - thanks, Kosmin.
i love the track ,,,,,i thought u were gonna have a slower drum line ,,,,,,like with the snare on the 3 bar u feel me nice instruments tho and fx.....great sound 1
This is decent lil jam..i like the synths you used and the may need to place some reverb on the toms and jus a tid bit of delay to get that surrounding effect..or even use a preset for like hall or cathedral n jus tweak it down a bit..they sound too chopped..then I guess from there the only thing you'll have to worry about is mixing it down..nice job
Haha, that voice... Did u do a spoof recording of the Matrix thing there? And does the other voice say "Wash your ears"? Lolz...
Ya might wanna adjust the sound level of the one synth sequence that starts at around 1:20 because it kinda drowns out the vocal stuff. Either that or drop the vox for that part. Other than that this is a pretty good start. Later on!
yeah, this caught my ear right away, the synth bell-like line that comes in is my favorite part, nice textures... would like to hear where you end up with this? nice job!
thanks for sharing your track!
on demo33 by kosmin
Sounds good so far ,
im curious how its sounds with a 176bpm basedrum added ,later on this track ..
Good job !
on Whatever by kosmin
on trainyng day by kosmin
on hard12 by kosmin
Keep them coming
on intro by kosmin
Enjoyed Listening
on time passes by kosmin
In any case, I like the track. Some of your changes were clever and smooth.
Well Done
on hard12 by kosmin
on once more by kosmin
on anywhere with you by kosmin
on from nowhere by kosmin
on be happy by kosmin
Feel free to listen to some of my tracks, Cheers....
on What can I do by kosmin
on worst nightmares by kosmin
on anywhere with you by kosmin
somehting wrong..non, every not is right and sounds great.
but you could change the beat a bit. cause its allways the same ya know ?
great work anyway bro. keep doin ya thang.
on love story by kosmin
on why not by kosmin
on too late by kosmin
on a new beginning by kosmin
on a new beginning by kosmin
on when the night comes by kosmin
Nice arrangement....great bouncey synth sounds
Well done
on it s hurts by kosmin
on watch me by kosmin
Ya might wanna adjust the sound level of the one synth sequence that starts at around 1:20 because it kinda drowns out the vocal stuff. Either that or drop the vox for that part. Other than that this is a pretty good start. Later on!
on listen by kosmin
on i m leaving you by kosmin
thanks for sharing your track!
victormusic01x...deep in the nyC...!
on can you feel it by kosmin