I love this Jeff!
The guitars...all instruments sound great and I agree with the other reviews.
The beat keeps thins moving along and the play between the Bass and Guitar is something I love but haven't heard lately,but then again I don't listen to current music that much.Vocals work well so what else can I say...It's a great track!
I like this tune you have put together here as well.
Has sort of an older 70's type sound to me and style.
Very good guitar playing and solid rhythm and background. The vocals are good too. That is my problem, I don't sing.
I didn't sing either until I started making tunes and coming here. It's hard for us folk that don't really do it. I find it very vulnerable, but keep on pushing just like starting the guitar and sucking at that. Maybe you should have a crack at it. Most of your stuff would be awesome with some vocals. (as long as it doesn't get in the way of rippin' guitar!)
fantastic! had me from the opening. I really loved the stripped down feel. Also, It has a comfortable, familiar sound while still being completely original. Hints of Queens of the Stone Age, and early Strokes.. great composition and nice changes. It never got boring. Back to back listens.
Thanks very much, I'm gonna re do the vox, need to figure out a better set up to monitor so I can hear the music and my self in the right mix. If I do i'll re-post it.
ya, I'll re-record it but i'll always come back and listen to the hoover version. My favorite part was not having a clue that i was going to get that. luck
You've certainly got all the right ingredients here. I understand what others have said about the drums, but actually I don't mind that they aren't too far forward.
This is a great song...love your vocals.
Thanks very much, I'm trying to work on the singing. It's very new to me so the encouragement is helpful. I do agree with most that the drums need to come up and bass would help.
Enjoyed. Great chops and voxx. May I suggest as a fellow guitarist/vocalist, do not neglect the other instruments? Your guitar and vocals sound greatly mastered in the mix but no bottom end at all. Is there bass guitar present? Sorry man I did enjoy and writing wise it gets thumbs up but it sounds unfinished.
I hear the other instruments comment, I'm not great at finishing things, have to work on that! One day I'll give this song the attention I should. Thanks for listening.
You can just putthis one under Good Music as far as I`m concerned Jeff05...I like it just as it is ..nice chord prog...love the fat clean tone you have going too....great track...really enjoyed the listen over my way...fav for sure...Ed
Thanks lot for reviewing my country tune. I like your guitar sound here. Nice and clean sounding. You play very well. Will be nice to re-record it with other instruments as well in the background.
Thanks for the review.
Always enjoy your stuff, you got some mean licks and there aren't that many slip n sliders on here, so i'm always keen on people that are into that!
A really nice melody, I liked it a lot and I wrote a few words inspired by your sound.
The crisp morning air takes me by surprise
and I feel the chill on my skin
as I walk slowly with no aim or purpose
towards the city, towards the sunrise.
Hey, thanks for checking it out. I want to make it longer. If I do it I want to do it right, so it might be a while. Waiting for my e609 to get here.
liked it, fun riffy simple stuff. liked the lyrics and ur voice is good in a Neil Young type rock fashion, just think your holding back the fire in the belly. Either some vox distortion fx or start smoking a carton of camels lol, cheerz enjoyed
An instant fav. Great songwriting and I love sound of the guitar and the way you play it. If it's possible, crank up the vocals just a bit so your voice doesn't drown in the guitar.
Having said that, thanks for a wonderful performace and on of the best tracks in a while. just xlnt.
ps I'd would go strait into my iphone playlist if download was available.
Thanks fro the input, It needs a lot of work admittedly but what the hell, i'm impatient some times. Thanks for the input, i'll think about boosting the vocals, them being low has is due to being self conscious about my voice. I'll get over it;-)
Great tune Jeff..yes,you know about the drums already but your guitars kick ass,I especially loved the slide or was that an fx? and your vocals are great!
Has won a lot. The sound is killer and I think much clearer. Bone I like even more ... What a finish by the way!
I am here for the next version with other drums ... total, it is also my favorite.
Cheers buddy, I have a version with live drums now, but there is a bit in the middle that goes off the rails a bit so might see if i can get that recorded again.
thanks again.
on Bonneville by Jeff05C
on Bonneville by Jeff05C
The guitars...all instruments sound great and I agree with the other reviews.
The beat keeps thins moving along and the play between the Bass and Guitar is something I love but haven't heard lately,but then again I don't listen to current music that much.Vocals work well so what else can I say...It's a great track!
on Bonneville by Jeff05C
Gives the feel of old kind of rock style.
Full of Energy.
Cheers Life
on Bonneville by Jeff05C
Thanks for reviewing one of my rock tracks,
I like this tune you have put together here as well.
Has sort of an older 70's type sound to me and style.
Very good guitar playing and solid rhythm and background. The vocals are good too. That is my problem, I don't sing.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Randy!
on Bonneville by Jeff05C
on Bonneville by Jeff05C
the Goose.
Thanks for the listen
on City - Vacume Version ha by Jeff05C
on Heavy ON by Jeff05C
This is a great song...love your vocals.
on Heavy ON by Jeff05C
on The Pyre by Jeff05C
on City - Vacume Version ha by Jeff05C
Orange Thunder 30 clean tone baby, still can't get over how much I like this amp!
on City - Vacume Version ha by Jeff05C
Thanks lot for reviewing my country tune. I like your guitar sound here. Nice and clean sounding. You play very well. Will be nice to re-record it with other instruments as well in the background.
Nice job done.
Always enjoy your stuff, you got some mean licks and there aren't that many slip n sliders on here, so i'm always keen on people that are into that!
on City - Vacume Version ha by Jeff05C
The crisp morning air takes me by surprise
and I feel the chill on my skin
as I walk slowly with no aim or purpose
towards the city, towards the sunrise.
That's really cool that you wrote those words down. It's beautiful, they speak back to me.
on City - Vacume Version ha by Jeff05C
Keep them coming
on Heavy ON by Jeff05C
on The Pyre by Jeff05C
Keep them coming, Brother
on The Pyre by Jeff05C
on The Pyre by Jeff05C
on The Pyre by Jeff05C
Having said that, thanks for a wonderful performace and on of the best tracks in a while. just xlnt.
ps I'd would go strait into my iphone playlist if download was available.
looks like we like the same color...
on Heavy ON by Jeff05C
Totally enjoyed
on Heavy ON by Jeff05C
on Heavy ON by Jeff05C
I am here for the next version with other drums ... total, it is also my favorite.
thanks again.
on Heavy ON by Jeff05C
A fav.
thanks for the comment
on Heavy On delete by Jeff05C
on Heavy On delete by Jeff05C