

Stip, Macedonia
Joined : 7th Jan 2009 - 16 years ago
Comments on Dj_i tracks

Other users have posted 25 comments on tracks by Dj_i

Comments 1 - 25 of 25
sandan111 25th Jun 2011 15:31 - 13 years ago

on The Basshunter 09 (Remastered Version) by Dj_i
Awsome!!! i realy liked it :)
Heisenberg 25th Jul 2010 01:01 - 14 years ago

on I Will (Denki Deejay Edit) by Dj_i
I've tried so many times to use those vocals on a beat I've made, and I could never do it. Mad props. I'm with Dex on this one. I'm surprised you havent got more feed back.
DonnieVyros 24th May 2009 11:18 - 15 years ago

on The Basshunter 09 (Remastered Version) by Dj_i
Hey mate,
2 things...

In the future could you refrain from double posting your songs and such.
And next time you encounter problems when trying to upload something fixing it is as easy as clicking on the "edit" link off to the right and just readd the file, check the box, and click upload... Cool?

As for the mix I thought it sounded alright. Some of aspects of the synth sounded kinda funny, but I'm thinkin that 'warble' was something you added to get 'em to sound that way. Overall it was nicely done. Lates!
Dj_Lex 17th May 2009 16:22 - 15 years ago

on Vintage (Demo Edit) by Dj_i
Nice one since its a demo! Little more work in production part and it will be great! Nice synths and bass is a killer! Thumbs up
koble 17th May 2009 15:51 - 15 years ago

on Vintage (Demo Edit) by Dj_i
I liked the basic theme and see why you stuck with it. I'm not as fond of the counterpoint melody but you need something to move the piece along. I was wondering what would happen if you upped the tempo a bit by 5 or 10 bpm though? Maybe a stronger counterpoint melody might occur to you. Fine effort though. Thanks for sharing it. Definitley worth listening too.
Matcher84 17th May 2009 01:48 - 15 years ago

on Vintage (Demo Edit) by Dj_i
Nice! That Synth sounds very nice .... but i think there must more sounds or beebs in this song. I mean more rythms and percussions but its good work! I Like It ................Greetings Matcher
Jtwitch 15th May 2009 20:27 - 15 years ago

on Rapid Eye (Promo Edit) by Dj_i
great track....this song is definitely a great piece of work...i used to be all about techno, trance, starting out,...i got sum great peices in my files, but only posted one on my profile..check it out..its called "SUCKONTHISMOFUKAS"....its A couple genres mixed together..techno house and rap..let me know what you think of it...but besides that keep up the good work homie...
NadaliaWood 6th May 2009 21:08 - 15 years ago

on Vibe (Original Club Mix) by Dj_i
You have a good lead in your track, it really complements the drum track. Maybe some more FX would really add to it? :)

Dj_i replied Unknown
thanks nadalia i appreciate that. i'm glad you like it and more great stuff soon!!!
NadaliaWood 5th May 2009 01:32 - 15 years ago

on Luna (Original Mix)(Official Album Tune) by Dj_i
Good! Your basslines are very strong, and that's hard to achieve in Trance, because the synths tend to overshadow the basslines, and they sort of get lost in the mix. I definetly like the Square leads you've used. Try to make the kick a bit stronger. :)

Sushi 27th Apr 2009 12:37 - 15 years ago

on The Basshunter 09 (Remastered Version) by Dj_i
Very bright and cheery. Doesn't seem quite seemless, but that might be either intentional or something in the up/download, overall I like it!
Dj_i replied Unknown
thanks man for your words. i really appreciate that. my upload was interrupted, but i uploaded it again. have a nice life!!!
DextDee 23rd Apr 2009 06:11 - 15 years ago

on I Will (Denki Deejay Edit) by Dj_i
actually, truely, i am suprised no one has not commented on this one. the melody is nice. very nice. and that whistle is kool. u mixed the vocal well.
let me say one thing. with that melody, it has a potential happy uplifting feeling to it. vibe it up like some more trance instrument. like where u placed the gun. it could start there.
arrr, i said i was laying low on beats but this beat makes me want to do something. aaaaaaaaaa.
man i am fav this one. i assume it can get me motivated.
yeeesh, i am talking too much.
am out
Dj_Lex 22nd Apr 2009 20:41 - 15 years ago

on Sweet Memories (Denki Sweet Nutron Mix) by Dj_i
Goood song man, realy kicks in! I like synth lines you used! Bass is also the killer!!! And that synth at 5.25 is great! In one word it is GREAT!!!!
koble 18th Apr 2009 16:24 - 15 years ago

on Elektrik (Short Edit) by Dj_i
Works for me! Classic Trance and I always say that in a good way. I love Trance and I liked this track. Needs to be longer but I think you have a longer version since your title says short edit. Great Job!
Dj_i replied Unknown
thanks for your words man, i really appreciate that. and, yes. this track has a long version, but i uploaded this to show the main sound. anyway, thanks.
P.S. do you know how to download refx nexus plugin and find the licence?
U4EA 18th Apr 2009 10:26 - 15 years ago

on Dream Time (Original Club Mix) by Dj_i
I really like it! The bass is cool and the melody is quite interesting as well. Great work, looking forward to hearing more from you.
Dj_i replied Unknown
thanks more great stuff soon. you're always welcome
DonnieVyros 26th Mar 2009 15:30 - 15 years ago

on The Bass Hunter (Old Mix) by Dj_i
You used BassHunter? Where... Haha,

Seriously, I couldn't hear any of his stuff on this. Which is pretty cool to make a remix of something and have it not even be heard.

Oh, and as for the bass being out of sequence. Maybe if ya copied the sequence, modified its pitch (and maybe added some effects), and then lay it on the track slightly offset to the original it'd help (to give it some crazy echo-type of sound, ya know). Cool mix mate. Later on!
Charlie_Walker 25th Mar 2009 23:33 - 16 years ago

on The Bass Hunter (Old Mix) by Dj_i
Not bad, but I think the bass line is a bit out of tune with
the rest of the melody? Bit more work and you will have a good track!
Salkizar 9th Mar 2009 21:58 - 16 years ago

on 1984 (Denki's Burn Mix) by Dj_i
really original bass sound mate....nice kikks too! Dunno about that synth..hmmm..its growin on me! Nice the way the bass comes back in...yeah wicked trak man!!
Quantumhead6 9th Mar 2009 11:48 - 16 years ago

on 1984 (Denki's Burn Mix) by Dj_i
Really cool remix buddy. Lots of energy, which is the way dance music should surely be
Halonmusic 8th Mar 2009 15:47 - 16 years ago

on 1984 (Denki's Burn Mix) by Dj_i
review as i listen, ah, nice kicks, cool hats thing, and nice bass. I like this alot! Oh wait, theres more ... Melodies, synths and sound fx are awsome! Nice pad too! Keep up the good work bro, cheers!
DonnieVyros 6th Mar 2009 05:13 - 16 years ago

on Asteroids (Released Mix 2009) by Dj_i
Yessireee, I do remember. That was a super sweet game. Really basic, but really addictive, you know? Wait, you were talking about the other song you had up. Opps! Man, I feel like a geezer, haha.

Anyways, this is a pretty sweet mix and I'm glad the name threw me off like it did. Gotta ask though, did you have any kind of live controller when you were doing this? The reason I ask is because it kinda sounds like it and also because I recently was checkin out and lookin at this one Native Instruments package they got with a prog and a controller (for like $400 or $600, can't remember now, but it seemed like a pretty good deal). Sorry about that little ramble there. Back to the song, ay? As you can tell I love those effected synths (bass ?) ya used on this. Thanks for sharing. Later on!

Hey mate, I was talkin about me with the whole 'Guitar Center' thing. Haha, it's cool. Sorry to have confused you. Later on!
Dj_i replied Unknown
hey donnie_vyros. i'm glad you like this one like many others. look now. i used loops from looperman and for software i used FL studio 7. i didn't bye anything from I used my creativity and assembled the loops. so now you know. thanks for your review. visit
Astrobouncer 3rd Mar 2009 02:21 - 16 years ago

on Asteroids (Released Mix 2009) by Dj_i
Nice groove, sweet mix I really like this one. Reminds me of a lot of some late 90s trance. Also that air raid/pitch sweep is pretty infectious.
Dj_Lex 1st Mar 2009 16:00 - 16 years ago

on Sweet Memories (Club Mix) by Dj_i
Like the kick in this one and synth part is nice!
santiagosky 1st Mar 2009 03:21 - 16 years ago

on Sweet Memories (Club Mix) by Dj_i
I like dis one...fav and download. Its a really great mix da beat is bangin literally....
Salkizar 26th Feb 2009 21:48 - 16 years ago

on Sweet Memories (Club Mix) by Dj_i
Pretty good track man! Really nice kick sound and I like the hats too..feel it could use more melody tho..but thats probably just me..anyway great work man!!
lazyboy 9th Jan 2009 02:53 - 16 years ago

on Fly (Denki's State Of Trance 2009) by Dj_i
not my style of trance but this has a good quality sound bro. ROLL ANUVA FAT ONE lol ;)
Comments 1 - 25 of 25