Sounds cool. Retro dance music :) Nice job with each sections. The sound selections are linked nicely together. Paints the picture, tells many stories. Sounds like youthful moments in ones entire life nice. I was curious tho, why does the EQ levels sound like its missing all the mid frequencies? I hear the heaviness of the bass but dont feel much of it and im using stereo speakers with decent bass compliant. Just wondering if its the levels or my setup. I still dig it! Thanks for sharing, Happy 4th. Peace.
this is more than cool but it could be outstanding if you could step out from the basic chords and fly away to some weird land...I mean, another theme...:-)
on Final Farewell by erikavaughan
on Forgotten memories by erikavaughan
on Forgotten memories by erikavaughan
greetings, Danke
on track 2 by erikavaughan