Your stuff is so sick man. keep em comin please. and hurry up and get legalization going down the cuz we're waitin on you in canada apparently. Cheers and good luck
Getting around to review another of your tracks in response to your reviewing my recent rock tune.
Guess this song reminds me of several 60's band songs all rolled into one. Fortunately, I never smoked any pot or got caught up in drugs myself. But I suppose it helps others 'medically'.
Nice work putting this all together.
Thanks for sharing,
BigPete's comparison to Zappa seems really appropriate here - one of your "unknown" listeners here was me, so I'm struck this second time around how I'm still surprised with every transition you take. Really good choices! Surprising, and even more surprising is how appropriate each one is in relation to what comes before and after. Nice one.
Since you recently reviewed one of my tunes, I wanted to see what you had up as well. I don't recall ever seeing your name before is all.
This tune here sort of reminds me of Rap music at first when it starts out. Then a bunch of stuff happens and all kinds of different sounds come up.
I'd say an interesting tune for sure.
Cool retro sound here..the drums beat does sound like the original 50s era. I like the chorus as well with the vocals. The guitars are cool too. The way you mixed them together on different tracks is nice.
Whats up dude? I got something I think we all should collab on! I was going to send you a message via the contact me thing but you have disabled it. So yeah,...if you are interested let me know. I got the buk of what I want to do done.
you'll never stop to amaze me with you're creativity, I'm blow again, you do have the madness and genius of Frank Zappa in you, this is pure expressive art, I love it, you're one of the few people (MrE has been one too lately) I listen to that inspire me to push myself to go further, thank you. Did you have your meeting with Sasquash yet? Peace Love and Freedom to be inspired by others.
Very cool...New Wave..but more tripped out with the commercial corners snipped off....Great use of your voice..I like this's all at once serious,a parody,dissonant and melodic at the same've definitely got your own sound..that's more than half the challenge right there...with some nice guit as tune..cheers planet :) I have partaken of this particular brew ..I still don't understand how you can still yawn when your trippin' off your face!....This has got some cool guitar happening and the now familiar cool chorus really works..I don't often draw comparisons but it is very reminiscent of "Fireside Theatre"..some of my favourite material from the seventies...but somehow this doesn't have the stigma of thirty year old's still fresh and vibrant..great work! cheers planet :)
Cool Vibers, I'm a bit out of touch with the music scene at the moment, but i love this "outdated" feel, its rather refreshing and all the pieces fit together perfectly.
this song is awesome man. it sounds perfect for road trips no sh*t. so mellow and happy and damn good audio engineering at that. i would like some details on it though:
Did you record this in a bedroom studio or pay for studio time?
Is this your band? If so, what instrument(s) did you play or did you sing?
If not, what is your relationship with the band? (IE, manager, producer, etc)
just like to know what im hearing. get back to me =]
The room ha ha ha ha ha ha is 5' by 5' no space. 2 piece band, but we will be using live drums soon with a couple of drummers we know, both different styles, one jazz and the other rock. I'm SKUNKAPE(Anthony)and SWITCHBOX(Scott) we wrote the song and played all the instruments besides the drum beat which Switchbox whipped up. Skunkape rights the songs Switchbox engineers them. Thank you for the kind review. It means allot. peace and I herd Austin Texas is one of the best music scenes in the country.
Cool!...ahh been there done that..with reference to this the to garden...vegetables only these days lol...Man this music has a super cool vibe that you don't hear very often these's Sixties early Seventies...thanks for the trip!..cheers planet :)
BON IVER (FOR EMMA, FOR EVER AGO) sorry about the caps.... but I'm excited about a skilled musician like yourself listening to this.... and melting like I did. I had not played guitar in over 10 years but this song changed everything. Much Love Peace
Hey..I think I just walked through a door and exited in Woodstock (the original)...Hehe way cool man..this is great, with a real down home it's been ages since I partook of de erb..but I remember what it used to be like..this music harks back to pleasanter times when there was still open optimism practised within the youth culture and good vibes was a real commodity and not some fanciful dream...keep it going..the world needs more believers..cheers planet :)
Yes someone feeling those haunting 50's songs that were so wholesome and true. Here's a little secret that might throw you back for a (loop). Its back and in a big way underground, that's why I'm trying to catch that vibe because its so special to me. Grizzly bear, Ancient crux, Animal collective although its more dance, has beach boys type vocals, Bon Iver has done fantastic A-CAPPELLA check out (LaBlogotheque)on youtube That site has changed my life, much love peace.
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on White Water Reefer (All Genre Comp.) by MEDICALMARIJUANA
man have my own studio now
peace killa
on Cannabis in a Jar by MEDICALMARIJUANA
Getting around to review another of your tracks in response to your reviewing my recent rock tune.
Guess this song reminds me of several 60's band songs all rolled into one. Fortunately, I never smoked any pot or got caught up in drugs myself. But I suppose it helps others 'medically'.
Nice work putting this all together.
Thanks for sharing,
on Cannabis in a Jar by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on White Water Reefer (All Genre Comp.) by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on White Water Reefer (All Genre Comp.) by MEDICALMARIJUANA
Since you recently reviewed one of my tunes, I wanted to see what you had up as well. I don't recall ever seeing your name before is all.
This tune here sort of reminds me of Rap music at first when it starts out. Then a bunch of stuff happens and all kinds of different sounds come up.
I'd say an interesting tune for sure.
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Cannabis in a Jar by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on White Water Reefer (All Genre Comp.) by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on White Water Reefer (All Genre Comp.) by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on White Water Reefer (All Genre Comp.) by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Cannabis in a Jar by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Cannabis in a Jar by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on You Can't Lie To Us by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Cannabis in a Jar by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
I will keep an eye on your work, see you around.
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
Did you record this in a bedroom studio or pay for studio time?
Is this your band? If so, what instrument(s) did you play or did you sing?
If not, what is your relationship with the band? (IE, manager, producer, etc)
just like to know what im hearing. get back to me =]
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Cannabis in a Jar by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA