I luv you, a true inspiration, you get what pop music is all about, emotion, getting to people, and you do a great job, my brother Peace Love and Freedom to plant our seeds for a better world.
lmao, this is the shit. you always make my day. lol i can picture a music video with kids as if you guys were on a tree planting field trip. lmfao
the guitars are epic, especialy near the end around 2:20.
im curious to know how you made that "chorus". that wierd "la la laaaa la la". at 3:13.
Thank you for the listen, pretty close on the video idea. We have a Skunkape mascot who grows the weed and we stumble upon his field of green gold, he then offers us up a smoke, and we accept. That chorus is 50's dew wop high pitched WHY LIE that was stuck in my head for 3 weeks, why lie about smoking pot!
this is great. that will be the happiest day of my life also. i also think that it may just happen in my lifetime. not really my style of music, but if you smoke the sticky-icky, then u gotta love it.
Dude you are really good! I like the whole vibe you got! I love my green too! Had to fav this! Going to listen to your last song that I havent listened to yet. Prolly have to fav that too. Lol.
Ayyyyy! nice work! You really mixed a ton of different styles into this. Get someone to spit a flow on it and I see a hit! Like Shwayze style. Good summer time feel!!! Had to fav it!
this is Sublime, and it reminds me of Sublime, California beach campfire, sufer dude with is guitar, ganja and grafefruit tea. Would mix perfect with my track Summer Harmonies, its a download, thanks.
This kinda has that 99/00 vibe to it. Remember the songs like Len- Steal my Sunshine? Or some of the stuff by Smashmouth or Sugar Ray? Yeah, this took me back to when that stuff was big. Thanks for the flashback (def chilled vibe on this, good for bonfire parties in the backyard). Later on!
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
This song made me feel much better :)
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
the guitars are epic, especialy near the end around 2:20.
im curious to know how you made that "chorus". that wierd "la la laaaa la la". at 3:13.
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on You Can't Lie To Us by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Planting The Seed by MEDICALMARIJUANA
shoe bop shoe bop....
shoe bop shoe bop....
shoe bop shoe bop....
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
i kant help it, im a pot head stoner of the century! lol
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on You Can't Lie To Us by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on You Can't Lie To Us by MEDICALMARIJUANA
Cool tune here. I have never smoked pot in my life...but I know what it smells like, as once in awhile a fellow band member would use it.
I think you got the message across in this tune very well. Nice job!
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA
on Grapefruit*Tea by MEDICALMARIJUANA