yeah, it's absolute cool, but way far from chill wrote in the description: hopefully it will make you want to chill, I relax though... :-)
That synth at the start is so extremely phat! I love it. The drums need to be a tad louder to fill the space and provide the energy for the melody, but that is a very easy fix :) I really like the textures in this song. The chopped up vocal is a neat addition as well!
Innovative fusion of many genre with tasty connection...the mix is a bit overgained (for my taste) but it's fine...
Was that a loop made track or you played some instrus?
Thanks so much for the kind words! It is heavy on the gain / output. You are right. They were loops from all over. I just wanted to mesh some different genres together and see if the mood or feel from the combination of various genres could be sustained and not fall off by using totally different types of instruments / sounds / genres. Thanks again!
Hola! Now this I like. I will be honest I am not much for giving constructive criticism because I don't entirely know the mechanics behind it, or mastering or pinpointing every sound but I would definitely like to see a longer version of this. I think it does have a darker feel to it which really is great. Everything sounds great together, not generic. I'm on my 3rd listen now and the only thing I am not sure of is the vocal parts. I can't decide yet if they fit, but yeah, I love this! Sweet sweet track! :)
Thanks so much for the kind words. Would have responded sooner but I've had a Summer cold. I'm thinking a few different versions of this and how about putting a smooth, soulful-type acapella with actual lyrics. And, a heavy hitting beat for a dance style version. I'm working on it and a couple of really deep dark and hard hitting tracks too. Thank you again!
Such a refreshing track. Love the layering of all the pads, synths and slow introducing of the drums.
The energy just builds and builds feeding the human spirit. Just love Mariah's voice and Tara's too, great find!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful track. Faved!
Thanks so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it. Inspirational / Euphoric-type trance is what I really like. I really need to crack down and focus on creating some seriously awe-inspiring tracks. Thanks again!
this is epic stuff I feel like the bass could do with some work but it's got ton's of potential you should add some more bass and finish it. I've been working on some similar stuff to this myself it's a cool mix of styles. nicely done. Z
Def some cool riffs. Dig the talking space. Liked what you did with those voices, agreed does compliment each other and just sounds good with the piece as one. Has some suspense, a wanting to know something more than what it may appear as. Got the mental feeling good with this. Thanks for sharing, keep going.
Thank you. That's my goal is to move people, provoke thought, and inspire. Your voice is really cool and if you ever consider collaborating, then let me know. Thanks again.
Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm getting back into now. I think it needs some tweaking and to be made shorter. I don't know what's gotten into me but I'm putting tracks and riffs together like crazy. Glad you liked it.
It needs some work I believe - too jumbled up at the end and needs to be more clear. And, the peaks and valleys need to be more pronounced. Anyway, collab with me on this. Thanks. Well holler at me and we can see what's up.
Thanks so much for the kind words. I believe it may need a little tweaking in some parts. If it made you daydream and feel somewhat inspired or moved, then I'm glad. I'm grateful and want to really inspire and move people with music. I want to greatly improve my track making ability. I'm currently working on one that is a combination of about 3 genres. Orchestral /classic, industrial, and dubstep. I think it will seriously get you going when I'm done. Anyway, thanks again. Have a beautiful day!
on Momentum by BeatMechanic
on Momentum by BeatMechanic
industrial or cinematic maybe...
handshake, Danke
on Its On by BeatMechanic
on Look What You Started by BeatMechanic
on Look What You Started by BeatMechanic
on The Bright Side by BeatMechanic
Innovative fusion of many genre with tasty connection...the mix is a bit overgained (for my taste) but it's fine...
Was that a loop made track or you played some instrus?
Congrats and handshake, Danke
on Its Coming by BeatMechanic
on Here We Come by BeatMechanic
Thanks again.
on Here We Come by BeatMechanic
Thanks. You're right about the dubstep. The beats in the track are typical to those of dubstep but not really much dubstep.
on The Soul by BeatMechanic
Thanks so much for the kind words. Would have responded sooner but I've had a Summer cold. I'm thinking a few different versions of this and how about putting a smooth, soulful-type acapella with actual lyrics. And, a heavy hitting beat for a dance style version. I'm working on it and a couple of really deep dark and hard hitting tracks too. Thank you again!
on No Boundaries by BeatMechanic
on No Boundaries by BeatMechanic
Great track, Danke
on No Boundaries by BeatMechanic
The energy just builds and builds feeding the human spirit. Just love Mariah's voice and Tara's too, great find!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful track. Faved!
Jeb / BeatMechanic
on No Boundaries by BeatMechanic
A really nice piece of chill, love the music and the way you build the track and introduce the vocals, neat ending too. Good job.
Best wishes,
on Horizon by BeatMechanic
on Horizon by BeatMechanic
on Horizon by BeatMechanic
on Set Your Heart Free by BeatMechanic
on Set Your Heart Free by BeatMechanic
Thank you!
on Set Your Heart Free by BeatMechanic
on Set Your Heart Free by BeatMechanic
on Set Your Heart Free by BeatMechanic
Love the track mate. Blessings - B.
on Power Unleashed by BeatMechanic
on Power Unleashed by BeatMechanic
on Urban Rhythm by BeatMechanic
well done