For starter you should try making that piano keys a little bit more jumpy ... the time you repeat them is wayyy too long a song like this is meant to be play in the discoteque so you gotta put some more dynamics.. the vocals are fine.. is the piano intro that kills me.. the rest is really nice..!!
Hi djEnru, You have done a good track, I like the idea you have, you're on the way, the bassline is good and the drive is enought worked. Now i'd put another sound working below the drive synth, or more sounds... you can play more with diverse sounds. But you must know it's well done in my opinion.
you have alot of great sounds in your trax. i think often you need to make sure your keys match up at times (when you bring in a new melody)... it sounds a bit discordant. Also it feels like your notes on your synths arent quantized. did you record them with a midi controller like a midi keyboard?
ok its fine to me, I´m using FL STUDIO 8/9 for projects, but as you read my profile I´m in a project that I will only use abandonware software to produce music, but I haven´t time to do it yet. I´ve read a lot about mastering and applied it to some tracks, and it will be my first collaboration in looperman so I will make some space to fit this project. see you.
i would recommend opening up the release during the opening build. you seem to mod the cutoff but the release should also get longer during the last 20 seconds i would say. you'll probably want to add more background ambience or some other synth, especially if you plan to drop the drums and build again in the middle like you have. also, when you pause at around 4:00 i would suggest stopping all the sound for a split second before it comes back in to make it a bit punchier. hope my suggestions help. i can totally see what your going for and i like your idea, it is a good initial mix. now you just need to fine tune it. let me know when you update.
Thought it was a bit loud at the five minute mark, but up till now, have loved every second. I like the longer stuff, as long as it doesn't get monotonous, and this didn't.
no offense but i thought the voice was a little cheesy, you should try using your own voice if possible. the intro was a little too long for my taste. but other than that i thought it was a pretty good track. kudos for using your own material, that's a pretty long process, on top of arranging it all together, and then if necessary modifying some of the sounds. the break down was pretty sick, i like it, that part actually made me want to bust a few publicly humiliating moves lol, but great job one of the best house tracks ive heard on the site in a while.
Dont have skype dude. If you email me the track with no drums to i will work on it and see if i can get a different flavour out of it and post up something.
Hey man this House track is crazy fresh. I'd love to use the samples at the start for something more Hip Hop influenced. Let me know what ya think buddy.
on Get Down by DjnErU
on Love Mixture by DjnErU
on Love Mixture by DjnErU
on Electro Example by DjnErU
on Gem by DjnErU
on Electro Example by DjnErU
on Without You by DjnErU
Classic Lovin this.. Whats not to love.
Awesome sound to this.
Keep up the good work.
thanks for this
on Body Boom by DjnErU
on Electro Example by DjnErU
on Electro Example by DjnErU
on Sex Music by DjnErU
on Before U lie by DjnErU
on Sex Music by DjnErU
on Timer Of Life by DjnErU
on Poetry Skills (added Rabbit) by DjnErU
on Poetry Skills (added Rabbit) by DjnErU
on Poetry Skills by DjnErU
on Arp Feelings by DjnErU
on Exodus (M) by DjnErU
on Dance With Me by DjnErU
on Vacuum by DjnErU
well arranged,i like ur work mate:))peace
on Vacuum by DjnErU
on Vacuum by DjnErU
on Exodus (M) by DjnErU
on Dance With Me by DjnErU