the intro is nice i like the beat start the bass and other patterns are cool i see when the main bass drops with the beat it sounds slightly to bass'y as the drum loops seem to loose a bit of there strength for me the drum loops need to come through a bit more but overall i enjoyed listening to the track keep them coming dude and 1 last thing try to give a better description of your track next time just calling it dnb wont get you many listen because it is uninspiring
Nice tune man, lots to off but the fade outs' are a little strange, doesn't help the flow in some places. But the beat is sick and the bass is at a nice level. Keep it up man.
aha! This was great! Not really my genre but I was rockin it man! This moves nicely and kinda has a "spy vs spy" feel to it! Kinda just faded out right when I was ready to pull my favorite "James Bond turning around and drawing his weapon" move! good job, great sounds!
This is finished and now has a release day 0f 25th december 2010 so a nice xmas day present:P
its out all all major mp3 stores including juno download and drum and bass arena... wish me luck!!!
Nice keys on this track make for a moving slice of intelligent d and b, Haven't heard any of your stuff for a while and it's good to see that yr back with the same fresh style.. good luck on d and b arena my ep Elements was on there a little while back.
cool track mate it could do with a bit of variation in the bass as the same pattern played all the way through the track and i got bord you need to keep a track interesting and have more eliments within the track if you get my drift but the track as it is though is top stuff keep them comming bro
ps: there is so many tunes out there with basslines that are just noise, sometimes it's nice to make tunes you can actually whistle the bassline rather than just a noise.
Keep up the comments;)
Crazy intro man! This track is really heavy and hardcore, it gets me going! The synth work is amazing, really complex sounding and intense! Definitely a fave and DL!
I have a few releases on Juno download, dogs on acid, drum and bass arena, iTunes and playaz digital if you fancy funding my d&b habbit:))) Mp3styleProductions
on drop it hot by Freestylednb
on FREESTYLEZ Jungle (!!!PLEASE DOWNLOAD FULL 320!!!) by Freestylednb
on she left me by Freestylednb
on The Others by Freestylednb
on surrounded by popstars out soon by Freestylednb
on FREESTYLEZ Jungle (!!!PLEASE DOWNLOAD FULL 320!!!) by Freestylednb
on surrounded by popstars out soon by Freestylednb
on she left me by Freestylednb
Great work bruv keep pumping em out, if you get 5 check out my Live DnB tracks with my drummer the Octo.
Ez Icarus
on 2011 by Freestylednb
...who picked that release day fo u?
Ez Icarus
on The Others by Freestylednb
on 2011 by Freestylednb
This is finished and now has a release day 0f 25th december 2010 so a nice xmas day present:P
its out all all major mp3 stores including juno download and drum and bass arena... wish me luck!!!
on 2011 by Freestylednb
on 2011 by Freestylednb
Good job
on she left me by Freestylednb
on Sunset driveby drum and bass by Freestylednb
ps: there is so many tunes out there with basslines that are just noise, sometimes it's nice to make tunes you can actually whistle the bassline rather than just a noise.
Keep up the comments;)
on Forum pussys by Freestylednb
on Forum pussys by Freestylednb
on Forum pussys by Freestylednb
on TWO by Freestylednb
on TWO by Freestylednb
on Disgusting (out soon on "HANGMAN EP:) by Freestylednb
have a good weekend!!!
on The Others by Freestylednb
on STiNG(OUT NOW on PlayazDigital,DOA, juno and more. by Freestylednb
on STiNG(OUT NOW on PlayazDigital,DOA, juno and more. by Freestylednb
on ONE by Freestylednb
I will say that this is now finished:p
thanks for your support!!!
I have a few releases on Juno download, dogs on acid, drum and bass arena, iTunes and playaz digital if you fancy funding my d&b habbit:))) Mp3styleProductions
if not check out my soundcloud for free downloads!!!
have a good weekend!!!