

Wichita, United States
Joined : 25th Feb 2009 - 16 years ago
Comments on KelleyKrueger tracks

Other users have posted 6 comments on tracks by KelleyKrueger

Comments (6)
aDeviantSexualInterest 23rd Jun 2009 22:21 - 15 years ago

on Even Now by KelleyKrueger
Ok, usually I just add tracks to my favorites list to keep tabs on the artists that are interesting, but I had to add two of yours, and this one's getting downloaded if it lets me and going on my playlist.
I hate to criticize, but I like this song so much I've listened to every detail, and fuzziness on certain parts of the vocals is bothering me. It definitely adds to the whole, I dunno, 'hollow'[sorry if that's not what you were going for, but that's the best word I can think of to convey the feeling it gives me] atmosphere, but you got a great voice and I have to wonder what the track would sound like if a little sharper.
Anyways, keep it up, man. There aren't many people making great music these days, so the world needs ya!
aDeviantSexualInterest 23rd Jun 2009 22:13 - 15 years ago

on Satan'z Fyght KluB by KelleyKrueger
As soon as the first round of chorus came across my speakers, I clicked the 'favorites' button. I may not be as old-school as Big Pete there>:-D But this definitely takes me back to the punk rock that made me love punk rock!
untilspirit 15th Apr 2009 10:16 - 15 years ago

on Satan'z Fyght KluB by KelleyKrueger
Hey man , great rockin track.It has a great groove and motors along very nicely.The guitar sounds killer also.Well done,keep up the great work.peace & goodwill mate.
BigPete 4th Mar 2009 22:12 - 16 years ago

on Satan'z Fyght KluB by KelleyKrueger
for an old I mean old punker like me, this reminds me of my early days (1979) as a punk DJ, you caught the spirit of the time
KelleyKrueger replied Unknown
Right On !!! I'm "happy" that "U" enjoy'd !!! Not really intentional... But ALWAYZ tryin' 2 come up with KICKAZZ JamZ !!! ThankXXX A Bunch BigPete!!! Kelley K
DanielGtrman 3rd Mar 2009 12:51 - 16 years ago

on By The Rulez by KelleyKrueger
This track has a great feel and sound to it which I me jamming along. Good solid rock sound...
KelleyKrueger replied Unknown
Hey Thankxxx A Bunch 4 your gracious input Daniel !!! I'm happy that "U" enjoy'd it !!! Kelley K
AudioFiend 27th Feb 2009 15:29 - 16 years ago

on Life of Crime by KelleyKrueger
Hey I totally dig this tune, man. Who says Rock is dead?! Your voice reminds me a bit of Molly Hatchet... ever had anyone tell you that? Anyway, great composition. A++
KelleyKrueger replied Unknown
Just what I wanted 2 HEAR !!! Nope !!! NoOne'z ever told me that B4 !!! I'll take that az a compliment !!! Thankxxx A Bunch !!! Kelley K
Comments (6)