

Limerick, Ireland
Joined : 28th Feb 2009 - 16 years ago
Comments on DJStratos tracks

Other users have posted 9 comments on tracks by DJStratos

Comments (9)
Fayz 18th Feb 2011 06:07 - 14 years ago

on Memory Lapse by DJStratos
not a bad track, i started out kinda the same way, what i've learned through trial and error though, is that, if your going to have a simple repetitive melody, its best to have it as a bass, the higher notes usually are better pulled off with more movenent, i wouldn't repeat a melody for more than eight bars, unless you changed the key it was in about every four bars. but other wise not a bad start, id turn the volume down a bit, i set my volume to about 50% and some parts were still pretty loud, but thats just one of those things that you'll get with experience, (messing with the eq and compressors/limiters)


i replied to your email, im up for what ever, and we can discuss this further through email, look forward to working with you
koble 5th Oct 2010 16:18 - 14 years ago

on Straight Up by DJStratos
This is very nice Stratos. Solid beat, classic Trance. I think the vocal was fairly good but not quite in keeping with the rest of the piece. Good job.
Xtaticauk 6th Sep 2010 00:41 - 14 years ago

on Straight Up by DJStratos
liked the pipe sound on this it gave a little ambience to the track - nice overall feel to the track - reminded me of the dream house era.....well done
bmw2000uk 24th Jun 2010 10:01 - 14 years ago

on Dialate by DJStratos
I like it. it sounds like a driving game music. Also keep it simple, adding more and more over it as the track progress complicates the music.

Otherwise its good, i could listen to it again.


TCBPROJECT 23rd Jun 2010 23:27 - 14 years ago

on Dialate by DJStratos
Just gonna try n help you with your production,i noticed you use magix which i am not familiar with,anyway if its advice you would like then you will prob be open to criticism,the sounds you have in this track are good but more use of filter cut-off is needed to give it that trance feel to it..a lot more percussion is needed to fill a track out if you listen to our track closer it has 5or6 percussion riffs running in some parts..well i hope you find this more helpful than critical..oh if your not sure about filter cut off just google it its all there.. any questions just ask .cheers..James..Dub
DJStratos replied Unknown
Thanks for the advice much appreciated
phantomhim 23rd Jun 2010 14:54 - 14 years ago

on Taxi by DJStratos
Really like the second half of this, when the classic sounding dance synth comes in. You got some of your synths sounding huge too. Nice.
StephenPotter 23rd Jun 2010 08:09 - 14 years ago

on Never Leave U4EA(DJ Stratos Mix) by DJStratos
The intro was beautiful but I feel like it needed to be shifted an octave lower. The bass sound used is perfect, and so are the drum sounds.

I really liked the bit where the drums go out and its the bass and the chimes, but the thing I really liked the best were the pads. I'm a sucker for pads.

Then the second chime melody came in and the whole song felt a lot happier to me.

Nice remix, I gotta check the original though!

Ste :)
TCBPROJECT 22nd Jun 2010 17:47 - 14 years ago

on Genezi v2 by DJStratos
nice sounds in there i think a bit of work on the arrangement and check out your volumes on drums etc..keep at it ..cheers..
subSpace 22nd Jun 2010 17:42 - 14 years ago

on Genezi v2 by DJStratos
nice high bass and synths your drum loops are way to low you need to turn these up to be even with the bass so far its a good tune its not the best i have heard but the overall effort out into making this is great keep them coming bro check bak soon
Comments (9)