dam homie i just stumbled on your profile. i would love to colab with you, really like the lyrical content and the flow is on point. its that real shit.
Oh shit man, i did'nt even see this comin thank god for the featured feature!!! This is hella dope man your voice is crisp, nice mix and quality great listen man!!! i'd love to work on a track with u one day, weather feature as mc, or lace u a beat to kill... Lemme know!
Thanks Spitshine! I'm always down for a collab. I have a version of this song with "theonetruebrew" singing behind my chorus. I think it's great. I'll try to upload it.
this track gave me goose bumps man...i have to ask you, would you mind if i did some like, linkin park style back up vocals to this? i have some killer ideas!!! my email is theonetruebrew@gmail.com, if you dont mind, send me the track!
Thanks man! I'll send you the track. There is actually another version with my brother on it rhyming. I'll have to see if he still has it on his computer because I lost alot of material when my first studio computer went up on me. If not I'll just send this one.
f%*kin hell, you blow me away with this track man, your flow is tight. beginning i was like...eh nb, and then i was like wtf this is shittin pro dude, pure win.
man i really like your lyrics, and i love your voice, its soo perfect for this shit. your panning bud, did you pan the lyrics over to the left? im not crazy about that...but other then that im really big on this song, sick biz
Hey Man! Firstly welcome to the place to be. I have to congratulate you on your production. The voice/lyrics are crystal clear, so all can be heard and understood. Nice tight arrangement, with a dark groove. 10/10...
you know, this is wonderful.
the production quality is sound.
the lyrics are spoken like a true gentleman.
AND it kept me near giggle throughout.
i'm looking for more.
keep up the good work.
on BOOK OF DA DEAD by tombstone999
on DAGGER IN MY HAND by tombstone999
on DAGGER IN MY HAND by tombstone999
on GUN IN YOUR MOUTH by tombstone999
on ANGEL OF LIGHT by tombstone999
on BOOK OF DA DEAD by tombstone999
on Crosshairs by tombstone999
on SOMETHING WRONG by tombstone999
on SOMETHING WRONG by tombstone999
on SOMETHING WRONG by tombstone999
on Da Grave by tombstone999
on Crosshairs by tombstone999
on ANGEL OF LIGHT by tombstone999
on DAGGER IN MY HAND by tombstone999
on GUN IN YOUR MOUTH by tombstone999
on GUN IN YOUR MOUTH by tombstone999
i love it.
we gotta kollab or suttin.
them rhymes are killin it! lol
keep it up dog. get at me.
B-MORE!! lol nice...
on GUN IN YOUR MOUTH by tombstone999
Cheers Slap...
on GUN IN YOUR MOUTH by tombstone999
dark hip rappy malicious soul hop?
you know, this is wonderful.
the production quality is sound.
the lyrics are spoken like a true gentleman.
AND it kept me near giggle throughout.
i'm looking for more.
keep up the good work.
on GUN IN YOUR MOUTH by tombstone999