

Atlanta, United States
Joined : 18th Mar 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on Bioscape tracks

Other users have posted 70 comments on tracks by Bioscape

Comments 26 - 50 of 70
Amberite1 10th Feb 2011 23:03 - 13 years ago

on Breathe by Bioscape
Nice one. Smooth deep bass. Really like the stereo pong pong spatial effect on acapella. Always interesting to see how people have used the acapellas I've used and hear peoples different takes on things.
Well done.
HardstyleRythm 10th Feb 2011 17:40 - 13 years ago

on Breathe by Bioscape
A really relaxed track und very smooth

i like it good to chill

Mrbillionx 29th Nov 2010 02:38 - 13 years ago

on Retro Planets by Bioscape
its like I almost forgot I was playing it.

This thing just stays smooth
ChaseManhattan 20th Nov 2010 21:40 - 13 years ago

on Internal Synergy by Bioscape
Bioscape replied Unknown
thank you !
ChaseManhattan 20th Nov 2010 21:37 - 13 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
hey buddy can i download this one? my email is great track
Bioscape replied Unknown
hey man.. this one's currently up for my demo so I'll let u know. If it's included then I can't allow downloads at this time. I'm working on another track right now that may substitute for this which case I'll email it to ya.
EnigmaticButterfly 12th Nov 2010 16:23 - 13 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
You're right. This would be great for meditating to. It Inspires a sense of calm and well-being throughout. (:
Bioscape replied Unknown
It does. Glad you like it.
EnigmaticButterfly 12th Nov 2010 03:01 - 13 years ago

on Retro Planets by Bioscape
Very Chill. This would be something that would be good to have playing softly in the background with some candles lit for a nice sit-down meditation session (:
Bioscape replied Unknown
Glad you liked it. You should check out my track "Degalvyi" i actually made it for meditation purposes.
Nosleeves 10th Nov 2010 23:26 - 13 years ago

on Internal Synergy by Bioscape
at leat were both have a track with the word synergy in it not bad very realaxing and what i needed to hear.
Bioscape replied Unknown
thanks. Glad u like it
JohnBoutilier 10th Nov 2010 00:04 - 13 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
Great atmosphere. This would be a great track to listen to while meditating or wishing to spend time in serious thought. Beautiful easy listening piece.

All The Best

Bioscape replied Unknown
Appreciate the review. I actually did make it for relaxation purposes :)
jfw 9th Nov 2010 21:42 - 13 years ago

on Internal Synergy by Bioscape
This track charts some really nice sonic territory - add very crisp production to that and it amounts to a top notch job! Nice work!

Bioscape replied Unknown
Thanks for the review and the kind words man!
SGN 23rd Oct 2010 17:56 - 13 years ago

on Retro Planets by Bioscape
Another lovely tune. From what I've heard so far from you, you're really good at producing jazz, or injecting that vibe into a track of a different genre. It just sounds natural. Keep up the good work.
Bioscape replied Unknown
thanks alot... that means alot to me, bc i really like and respect jazz
SGN 23rd Oct 2010 17:50 - 13 years ago

on The Dreamer (Feat Chase Manhattan) by Bioscape
I love this beat. Got a great old-school jazzy vibe to it. Beautiful chords and keys, and a great bassline as well. Well done man.
Bioscape replied Unknown
thanks for the nice words.
SGN 18th Oct 2010 17:05 - 13 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
Beautiful stuff. I agree with your description in that this has a spiritual vibe, but what I think makes this track stand out to me is the jazz influence that I hear [especially for the first couple of minutes] for some reason. Maybe it's the piano? Don't know, but whatever it is, I like it.
Bioscape replied Unknown
I think its just me coming out in a piece...I have deep roots in jazz..I've kinda just branched out of the genre recently..I guess it cannot be hidden lol
SGN 18th Oct 2010 16:55 - 13 years ago

on Science and Nature by Bioscape
Love the strings/synth that appear straight off the bat. Really lovely. I also like the simple drums that hit hard [think you may have used a bit of reverb on the snare. I like that]. The nature fx is good too, but my only advice would be to lower the volume of some of it [especially the one that sounds like crickets chirping] because it tends to overshadow and distract rather than underline and enhance the great melody in my opinion. Other than that minor quibble, this is an excellent piece of work.
Bioscape replied Unknown
Thanks for the criticism. I'll look into that...I was thinking the same thing. Thanks for the review man
PunkNRebel 18th Oct 2010 03:17 - 13 years ago

on The Dreamer (Feat Chase Manhattan) by Bioscape
good message nice flow real talk
Bioscape replied Unknown
thanks man
NeonStrawberry 22nd Sep 2010 12:02 - 14 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
Now that's beautiful, words like esthetically correct, super relaxing and mood refreshing come into my mind on this one. Totally faving it, for times when I need a little convention with myself. This page has become a place of zen ^^ -in other words this piece of ambiance totally rocks, my house seems brighter now :) thanks for sharing this.
Bioscape replied Unknown
I'm really excited that you found this so peaceful...and thanks for the fav. I use this composition in a relaxed and healing way also..and i did when i made it.
cait 16th Sep 2010 11:56 - 14 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
..mental note..must return here again..truly ethereal piece..wonderfully executed..and i am suddenly very relaxed...sweet!..all the best..cait*
Bioscape replied Unknown
thanks for listening, glad it relaxed you
blackryan 10th Sep 2010 10:16 - 14 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
Lovin this J. Very floaty just the way I like it. This is the best thing I've listened today.Liked the subtle panning and all the sound used.
Bioscape replied Unknown
thank you for listening and the nice complements
jfw 6th Sep 2010 20:35 - 14 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
Lovely soothing soundscape - it is indeed very immersing and you used some great sounds!

Nice work on this - Jamie.
Bioscape replied Unknown
glad you enjoyed it, thanks for listening
arkeyetexture 6th Sep 2010 18:29 - 14 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
excuse me for saying this, but very pretty. nice work on the keys.
really immersing. the flutes are great, just calling ya to drift away. wow excellent very clean production.
Bioscape replied Unknown
you're excused haha. thanks for the review
theHumps 6th Sep 2010 13:02 - 14 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
Quite enjoyable atmosphere you created. Nicely produced and engineered, everything sounded great.

Bioscape replied Unknown
thanks alot for complemented the production and engineering side of this track...i've been working hard lately on improving that aspect
bmw2000uk 6th Sep 2010 12:45 - 14 years ago

on Degalvyi by Bioscape
Good easy track to listen to, very nice to relax with.

Good one

Bioscape replied Unknown
i'm glad you found this relaxing, thats what I was going for...i wanted to relax as well
Gaffattack 28th Aug 2010 02:12 - 14 years ago

on Retro Planets by Bioscape
yo man i luw this jazzy tune, realy nice, im just wondering maybe u could send it to me i got an idea to sample it and make a good hip hop track, you see i dont have no synthesizer or something to make proper loops but im good at mixing and cutting and this tune just perfect for that, if u can just send me it to ill put ur name on it, i wont make profit from it, but if i do one day ill make sure u get ur share brotha ,
i like ur works you got style man ,
edit : pt 2
hey check tha remix of this track on my profile , its not finished yet dough ,
Bioscape replied Unknown
Thanks for listening man, glad u liked it.

Yeah i'll hit u up with the track....i'll try to find the wav..if not i'll have to give u the mp3
Thethanx 24th Aug 2010 04:48 - 14 years ago

on The Dreamer (Feat Chase Manhattan) by Bioscape
really nice work, agree that the vocals need a bit of bump, but damn everything else about it is tight as hell. Love the beat.
Bioscape replied Unknown
its poorly mixed, i agree. But glad u like it either way
Shardlow 23rd Aug 2010 23:42 - 14 years ago

on Science and Nature by Bioscape
yeh, this is a nice bit of dub. the vibe is quite interesting, quite intriguing. good tempo and a simple, effective bassline. a preferred style of mine. faved of course
Bioscape replied Unknown
thanks for listening and glad you enjoyed it!
Comments 26 - 50 of 70