A good piece of work with a lot of decent guitar playing. Drums could be better but actually they work rather well. Using some hypersampled software such as BFD or Superior Drummer would help with the drums as you can program them up from scratch. The end of this is a bit abrupt.
Hey man...cool tune!.. a very real and solid mix..the vocals work excellently,you've got that quasi 'Clash' thing going on here but definitely your own sound...which is what ever musician strives for...good to hear some instruments being played and played well I might add!..thoroughly enjoyable...I'll definitely be keeping an ear out for your tracks..great work! ..cheers planet :)
nice synths... love the track overall... only thing is I prefer a slightly more "present" kick in house cause im a dj and it makes things easier but thats just me. nice dude
Hi there, im into this kinda stuff. Id like to offer some advice though.
First, the sampled drums and synth bass might be sufficent for you to lay your guitar ideas over. But to make that track sound heavy you need a better drum samples, Play around with ezdrummer, or just rip kicks and snares from tracks.
The bass too you can get 'sort of' realistic soundfonts and vsts maybe give them ago, or try and get a better synth patch that compliments the low end more.
the rhythm guitars need abit of eq'in they sound really muffled in the 300-400 range maybe use a cut off further up the ladder maybe 4k plus? try and scoop out the mids too. thats how i get huge ryhthm parts. I dont know if you double tracked them panned them left right? if you did put a delay just a few m/s on one part. rammstein like to play two rhythm parts one an octave high deeper in the mix, experiment there too. My takeaways here now, but i liked your composition, your lead is tight.
Well executed track and tight playing. You should see if there is a decent metal vocalist on looperman willing to collaborate on this to finish it - cheers jfw.
Ha awesome man. Love the bass cuz of its great electronic feel. The drum work is great to. Totaly diggin the bongos. There always a nice touch to any track.(my opinion). Nice work
on 929 by juan1
on Julia by juan1
on Pachanga Man by juan1
i loved the arrangement into this one, good instruments you've and clear amazing sounds!!
again nice job !
on Circus by juan1
on Circus by juan1
on By the beard of Zeus by juan1
on Feel Me feat Chris Eclipse by juan1
Big respect!
Keep doing your thing!
on Circus by juan1
on Circus by juan1
Good piece of music, well put together.
Nice job.
on Julia by juan1
I love it!
on Julia by juan1
on Julia by juan1
French Kid
on By the beard of Zeus by juan1
on By the beard of Zeus by juan1
on Untitled still by juan1
First, the sampled drums and synth bass might be sufficent for you to lay your guitar ideas over. But to make that track sound heavy you need a better drum samples, Play around with ezdrummer, or just rip kicks and snares from tracks.
The bass too you can get 'sort of' realistic soundfonts and vsts maybe give them ago, or try and get a better synth patch that compliments the low end more.
the rhythm guitars need abit of eq'in they sound really muffled in the 300-400 range maybe use a cut off further up the ladder maybe 4k plus? try and scoop out the mids too. thats how i get huge ryhthm parts. I dont know if you double tracked them panned them left right? if you did put a delay just a few m/s on one part. rammstein like to play two rhythm parts one an octave high deeper in the mix, experiment there too. My takeaways here now, but i liked your composition, your lead is tight.
on Untitled still by juan1
on 929 by juan1
on 929 by juan1
on 929 by juan1
on 3rd Generation by juan1
And this sidechaining in here is killing me !! good compressing in the kick !
great track man !
on 3rd Generation by juan1
on 3rd Generation by juan1
on 3rd Generation by juan1
on 3rd Generation by juan1
love the bongos
on Feel Me feat Chris Eclipse by juan1
sounds freestyle