

Greentown, United States
Joined : 3rd Apr 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on NathanRoth tracks

Other users have posted 37 comments on tracks by NathanRoth

Comments 1 - 25 of 37
JohnBoutilier 6th May 2011 01:09 - 13 years ago

on Autumns Home by NathanRoth
Wonderful. Great guitar work and great track.

Firebird 16th Mar 2011 21:43 - 13 years ago

on Brink Of Insanity by NathanRoth
some insane guitar playing my friend.
Music4Life 18th Feb 2011 21:48 - 14 years ago

on Autumns Home by NathanRoth
Nice job, I love everything about it. It has a dark tone to it... I like it.

Keep up the good work.
JohnBoutilier 11th Nov 2010 02:08 - 14 years ago

on The Mist by NathanRoth
I agree with Crash, I don't hear anything wrong with the track either. I would, however, like to hear it with the right vocallsist blasting out some cool heavy metal lyrics.


DJSchmeeJ 6th Nov 2010 02:41 - 14 years ago

on SaVe by NathanRoth
Are you hammering on the strings at the pickups with the side of the pick on that little rhythym thing? That's cool man. I like how you know you create your stuff!
DJSchmeeJ 6th Nov 2010 02:34 - 14 years ago

on Lost by NathanRoth
I also agree with Martin that the drums need to be harder. But man this freakin rocks son! Love the drive on this. Great job, can't wait to hear more from you!
CrashTheSystem 5th Nov 2010 16:45 - 14 years ago

on The Mist by NathanRoth
Megadeth just busted in my door because they thought i listening to a new song from them they didnt know they made!

Lol man this is really good, great guitar work, drums sound very nice, they keep the song exciting. Im trying to think of some construcive critism because ive been giving too many "pat on the back" reviews but theres not really anything i see wrong with the track. So great job! -Gabe

Peace Love Jesus!
Centrist 26th Oct 2010 18:13 - 14 years ago

on Lost by NathanRoth
Agreed with Minor, this is an awesome track, everything you have works really well with each other, the only suggestion that I'd have is fattening up the guitar a bit, either with adjust the bass, or recording more tracks of it. Although sometimes the hardware you have may limit this, it's all good. In a perfect world, I'd know how to mix my songs too. :P
Scottmusic 14th May 2010 01:31 - 14 years ago

on If Dream's Where Real by NathanRoth
Great track!! Looks like you just need some vocals. I really liked it! Very melodic my friend..
SpyderX 13th May 2010 14:49 - 14 years ago

on Grim Reaper by NathanRoth
Nice one, Nathan. Reminds me of Zao in a couple of spots. Definitely creates that "grim reaper" feeling...


Jpipes24 14th Apr 2010 01:22 - 14 years ago

on Faceless Voice by NathanRoth
This is really good... The guitar, drums everything sounds Great man Keep up the good work...
SpyderX 9th Apr 2010 12:14 - 14 years ago

on A Demon Knows No End by NathanRoth
One bad-ass riff, bro - really dark and nasty. I'd love to hear this one fleshed out with more rhythm guitar, some screamin' lead, and snarlin' vox. I think you've got the foundation of an unforgettable metal track here.


rei4real 9th Apr 2010 07:11 - 14 years ago

on A Demon Knows No End by NathanRoth
what a riff!!!
this is a very very good base for a brilliant metal track ... awesome playing, and a great sound on the git
I really like this!!

peace, rei
CheshireCat 24th Mar 2010 09:58 - 14 years ago

on SaVe by NathanRoth
I like how you get creative with the guitar sounds, pitch shifting and looping them. It almost sounds like something Throbbing Gristle might have done.
Steinaa 21st Mar 2010 21:54 - 14 years ago

on Earth Shadow by NathanRoth
To me, this riffing sounds like something Killswitch Engage'ish. Pretty solid. Especially love the drums when they kick in at 0:16 - bloody awesome mate. Good to see that there's more people that put some effort into doing the drums. They really enhance the simplified, yet brutally effective riffs.
Plenty of kudos to you on this one.

SpyderX 21st Mar 2010 21:16 - 14 years ago

on Earth Shadow by NathanRoth
Sounds awesome to me, dude. I'm relatively new at this game and most of my guitar tracks sound a bit "muddy", but your mix is excellent - everything comes through nice and clear. Your percussion track is great too: somewhat subdued and minimalistic, which works well with your guitar tracks.
denialart 26th Feb 2010 11:02 - 15 years ago

on Age Of Silence by NathanRoth
the song i ever,over distorted gits(2 loud in the mix)vox are a bit muffled.i would love 2 mix this song 4 u.recording from speakers,u blast them.but if your using a pre-amp kind of piece.lessen the volume and turn up the gain.use a nother pre after 2 get did u get the drums cool,f**k,it takes me ages.
NathanRoth replied Unknown
Thanks for the tips, i never really have trouple mixing in drums its that im new to vocals and have no idea what to do with them but you and thehump gave some interesting ideas.
theHumps 26th Feb 2010 10:49 - 15 years ago

on Age Of Silence by NathanRoth
Wow, that was pretty intense!!lol

Decent idea in this genre. Just a suggestion, I would try to get the vocals a little clearer in the mix. Maybe spread the guitar out a bit leaving the center open for your vox, they seem to be competing for the same space in the mix. Other than that a good metal thrasher, digging it!

RayKoefoed 24th Jan 2010 08:51 - 15 years ago

on Faceless Voice by NathanRoth
I just finished listening to all of your tracks and I love every one of them. This is terrific music you make. They make me wish I could sing like Dani Filth so I could some apropriate vocal tracks to them. Keep up the great work!
d2d 22nd Jan 2010 17:48 - 15 years ago

on Faceless Voice by NathanRoth
I like the musical ideas. You have a really nice touch for lead especially with those pinch harmonic squeals!
My suggestions: make sure your tune your guitar before EVERY take. Make sure you tune your guitar before every recording. Your clean guitar drifted out of tune on this one just a bit.
on production: I'd also separate pan the guitars a little to give them a bit more space. You are a fine guitarist & I hope to hear more music from you!
MStokes 20th Jan 2010 17:32 - 15 years ago

on Faceless Voice by NathanRoth
Pretty mental stuff - if you could get some of that intensity outta the backing to match the intensity of yr playing ... You sound like a guy that needs a band to keep sparking you. Just excellent work here, thanks!
d2d 14th Jan 2010 20:14 - 15 years ago

on The Black Circus by NathanRoth
The guitar track kicks butt!
I'd love to put you in the studio with a real drummer. You'd do some serious damage!
shaddyx 9th Jan 2010 17:12 - 15 years ago

on Egle by NathanRoth
i liked the track - it is soft, but have something that got my attention. good one
dpgeezy 16th Dec 2009 04:41 - 15 years ago

on SaVe by NathanRoth
I'm not even a rock head but I do think thats a nice track. Good work
Menace2012 16th Dec 2009 01:44 - 15 years ago

on Within The Dream by NathanRoth
very nice stuff. keep it coming. i love the riff on this one
Comments 1 - 25 of 37