

nottingham, United Kingdom
Joined : 6th Apr 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on lkproductions09 tracks

Other users have posted 12 comments on tracks by lkproductions09

Comments (12)
Spivkurl 23rd Jul 2011 20:53 - 13 years ago

on rusted future (tastethesmile) by lkproductions09
Very creative song! I would put it under dubstep and not dub though. Nice bass lines! Good mix! Great work!
CalifKen 4th Sep 2009 00:05 - 15 years ago

on underground powerstation by lkproductions09
Great start, work on the drum parts. FL rocks.
LazarusBlack 1st Sep 2009 17:35 - 15 years ago

on ? daft'n'bass ! by lkproductions09
Nice Track.Very bouncey and busy.liked the way the different melodies came together and the different sounds you used here.Great work }:)-
MCLift 31st Aug 2009 09:25 - 15 years ago

on what in the world by lkproductions09
Nice drums although they're a sharp contrast when the silky smooth synths are first introduced - maybe soften the drums a bit at that point. Later, after you switch drum loops and come back to the original loop, the track is in full swing and the contrast works better there. Nice job.
Spivkurl 30th Aug 2009 16:13 - 15 years ago

on underground powerstation by lkproductions09
This song makes me think of a glitching messed up video game soundtrack. I like the string sound you used. Fun song!
Spivkurl 29th Aug 2009 20:24 - 15 years ago

on methane (toxic terror) by lkproductions09
This is pretty cool! The sound of the track really fits the title. I must say that this sounds very much like it came from fruity loops, which isn't all bad. Maybe it's the drum sounds. I like all the cool beeping. Nice work!
U4EA 14th Aug 2009 11:49 - 15 years ago

on cosmic vibes by lkproductions09
I love the bassline to this track, and those plinky synths sit perfectly on top of it. The only change I would make is maybe extending the bass kick you have going from 1:36 to add to the "motion" of the track. Nice work overall man, keep it up!!
MCLift 14th Aug 2009 11:16 - 15 years ago

on another chance give me one by lkproductions09
Really diggin this. Agree with Reverse to bump the volume on the vocals just a tad - maybe consider progressively processing the vocals somewhat to add some variety. Good job.
Rocko625 7th Aug 2009 05:57 - 15 years ago

on dream clouds by lkproductions09
i really like this new making songs ..good look !! im from panama city thanx 4 that beautifull music..
blackryan 3rd Aug 2009 11:10 - 15 years ago

on dream clouds by lkproductions09
Hi. I thought I should review for 2 reasons. Firstly this is a genre of music I love and secondly noone else has reviewed yet. I think you have some good core sounds but something is missing. I think there is the basis of a really nice track in there but some tweaking is required. Personally, i thought that middle section was a bit long and messy. Sorry if I come across as a bit critical it's just that the track is'nt far away from being good. Just de-clutter.
Reverse1984 31st Jul 2009 19:51 - 15 years ago

on another chance give me one by lkproductions09
Cool track man. Some great sounds throughout. I think maybe the vocals sound be turned up a little, just so they are more clear. Overall though, you got yourself a great sounding track. Well done!
lkproductions09 replied Unknown
thanks for the review i listened to and downloaded yr track bravo!bravo! which was great.

thanks for review
curtisstjames 12th Jul 2009 18:55 - 15 years ago

on methordane by lkproductions09
Very jumpy track hard to follow, tone down the flute riff and add some bottom end on the drums to give more punch! I kinda see where your going with this but work on the arrangement and the overall mix, keep it up and this track will shine!

Keep Rocking

Curtis St James
Comments (12)