Great track Phil, Beauitiful playing over that lovely chord sequence. I can hear a vocal melody and lyrics spinning around in my head, can you hear them too? Cheers Slap...
Thank you so much. I have a handful of lyrics i would personally like to try out, even if the rest of the team doesn't. If You'd like to give it a shot I'd be sure to let the download be possible!
I like the beat the only change I would make personally is raise the volume of the syth.pronounce it but thats only personal preference good work.....By the way Im in Ohio as well mybe we could work on something togeather some time Latter
Hey there :) I saw your request for vocals pop up just as the battle was waging on in the forums so I made a point to at least come over and check out your stuff. This is very cool stuff... kinda melancholy, middle of the night reminiscing music.... love the slow buildup. Very much enjoyed! ~Lisa (and welcome to looperman :))
I really like this .... the reverse hits are terrific and the piano/strings are a pretty counterpoint to what would otherwise be somewhat industrial. Apt title!
yes, just beautiful .......
the catchy thing of course is the reversed snare corresponding with the bassdrum ..... brilliant idea!!!
this is ambient as it's best and real pro sounding work ....
I'm honestly impressed!!!
on Swollen and Sinking (DEMO) by Phill_Epps
hope to hear more.
on Mar08th 2008 - New Beat by Phill_Epps
on Mar08th 2008 - New Beat by Phill_Epps
on Swollen and Sinking (DEMO) by Phill_Epps
on MOUTH - Building the Swollen (working title) by Phill_Epps
on Mar08th 2008 - New Beat by Phill_Epps
on 35 Minute Jam by Phill_Epps
on MOUTH - Building the Swollen (working title) by Phill_Epps
on Fighting Track by Phill_Epps
on Panic Attack's Backwards Roses Re-Seeding by Phill_Epps
on Swollen and Sinking (DEMO) by Phill_Epps
outstanding ....
peace, rei
on Panic Attack's Backwards Roses Re-Seeding by Phill_Epps
the catchy thing of course is the reversed snare corresponding with the bassdrum ..... brilliant idea!!!
this is ambient as it's best and real pro sounding work ....
I'm honestly impressed!!!
peace, rei
on Mar08th 2008 - New Beat by Phill_Epps
on Fighting Track by Phill_Epps
on Panic Attack's Backwards Roses Re-Seeding by Phill_Epps
I'm glad that this song was album to touch you!
on Fighting Track by Phill_Epps