i really like it very metalheadzy the only things i thought is that the kick needs a bit of work n if the hat was a bit more promenant n sharp it would give the drums a bit more movement and sound less rigid!
But seriously mate i like it the strings leading to that lush vocal its really chilled but still makes me wanna move
on Joy by DenizXXX
Excellent job on the track. You used the loops very well.
on in light of the town night neons by DenizXXX
on Trip by DenizXXX
on Trip by DenizXXX
My only suggestion is to add some life to those high hats, they seem a little flat. Maybe that's what you were going for though.
All in all a very enjoyable track! Nice one!
on Sex by DenizXXX
But seriously mate i like it the strings leading to that lush vocal its really chilled but still makes me wanna move
Respect Always
on Sex by DenizXXX
I like how that voice sounds at 0:43
You have done great with that voice..