Definitely a little bit of Genesis influence here, but you've created something all your own! I really like the subtle atmospheres, and the minimal percussion, they create a nice ambiance. Great guitar riffs, you have a style all your own! Awesome track!
I don't think PC would touch lyrics like this - which border on making me hallucinate about things under the sink - that broken gtr that kicks off the second half makes it for me, as does the overall hotel room ambience. Safe journey, man.
Wow!What a beautiful and depressing track at the same time,lol!I can hear "In the air tonight" too but a lot darker.Very good arrangements and great feel to this track
French Kid
Definitely hear that "In the Air tonight" influence. Pretty good job. I would turn the vocals down just slightly they seem a little too out front. Anyway keep it up.
on Saltdog by MaxwellStud
on Saltdog by MaxwellStud
on Saltdog by MaxwellStud
French Kid
on Saltdog by MaxwellStud