fresh sound at the start. i like the transition at 1:53 to your new synth sound and solo. very futuristic sounding. lot's of intensity. cinematic quality. neat piece. congrats.
Cool track, not your usual kinda breakbeat track but still quite groovy. Maybe needs something or some sound to fill it out a little bit, Im not sure what though. Good job!
Yeah U absolutely right! Had the same feeling there but got tired of not bringing anything new so I just published it.
Any composer is welcome to work with the track though!
Nice job! I haven't heard much Break Beat sound, but after hearing this track I am a fan. Very creative and unique. I wouldn't understand why anyone would'nt love this track. Three thumbs up!
Pretty cool track mate, I like the old school amen break for the drums. Theres some nice transitions in this too. Would be cool to have a little breakdown somewhere in the middle so I could catch a breath for a second and then drop the bass again. Well done though! :)
-like method man did with roni-size. I can def hear an aggro rap over this. A breakdown or something like that in the middle would be fantastic. Good drum programming and arrangement. Mix is just fine. The ending sounded a little abrupt to me with no reverb tail. nice DnB flavor.
Hey my friend, great track. As you are possibly aware Looperman & Loop Radio are trying to arrange a day of Looperman celebrations on the 31st May. I am hoping to do a 2 hour show featuring Dance music from Looperman artists & would also like to feature Looperman tracks in my regular show. As this is available for download (thanx for sharing)I hope you will be OK with me airing it on the day or on another show?
Peace, Love, Justice & Respect.
Vis . . . . .
I definitely agree with Spivkurl, this track is great and the atmospheric vocals add this mystical vibe to the song, as if someone were talking to you while you roamed through this celestial landscape. Very, very nice :D
This is a pretty sweet style of DnB for sure! I like the sound of your mix! The atmospheric vocals add a lot! One thing I might suggest is that you should normalize your song, as it seems like there's a little bit of headroom left which you could use. It's a little quieter than most other songs of this genre, so that might help. Otherwise I totally dig this track! It rolls along very nicely!
Hey! Nice wibe and mix! 2:33 is textbook shit, luv it!
Bit of constructive criticism :-) :
Intro(0-25s) synth is too dull (maybe on purpose ?) put some efx on it. Intro bass nice, warm and perfectly sitting in the mix as well as the beats - nicely mastered.
I feel overall mix is too centered (listening on lo-fi headphones)maybe making the synth a little bit wider might help
Same melody/progression through out the song - I think some variation in the downbeats might sit there nicely!
Good s^%t!
PS: Love the lenght of this, can listen to it twice while listening only once to your other stuff.
there is just 1 thing bongos at the drop when the bass comes in. if u put a bit of dely on them as well it will set if off nice not to much dely thuo. i like it a lot its chilled dubsetp nice make me sit back and somke a. well u get it lol
the track is cool but the bass needs to come down its to high your drumm loops need some variation and maybe you should turn those up too great effort tho keep them coming
I like the ambient vibe throughout this piece and the whole general arrangement / mix. However, I'd like to hear a change in the drum beat / pattern dynamics. Good tune though my friend.
some nice ideas here... for me the bass is a little too clean maybe try running it through some distortion...
the other thing is you got cut the low end from your kick it is messing with your bass line.. cut everything under 80hz and make a small boost at 90/100hz to regain some of that power. also if you sidechain (0 attack & release around 80) your bass compressor through your kick it'll add to it to.
then boost that sub around 50hz...remember not all the essence of a sub is about hearing it (with Dnb especially) you also need to feel it... so cut your subs EQ taking away everything above 80hz a filter might help it to be smoother... then like I say boost it at around 50/60hz.
the other thing I would suggest is cut every EQ so that none of them have anything below say...80hz then nothing is messing with your sub and the make a down point on every one too around 10.0hz (thin Q and 0 gain) because the it'll give more room for your hats which you can boost rather than take down.
anyway nice track sorry to ramble on.... some times I get a track that inspires me to advise. and your track did that.
on Dustum Quant 2 by Chemx
on Dustum Quant 2 by Chemx
on Dustum Quant 2 by Chemx
on Ho Vno Cuc by Chemx
Any composer is welcome to work with the track though!
on Ho Vno Cuc by Chemx
on Ho Vno Cuc by Chemx
Thx 4 da feedback
on Ho Vno Cuc by Chemx
I fo music mostly stoned. Cheerz :)
on Dustum Quant by Chemx
on Dustum Quant by Chemx
on sideway zombie by Chemx
Thx 4 da review bro!
on Schizophrenia by Chemx
Peace, Love, Justice & Respect.
Vis . . . . .
Peace, justice...
on Schizophrenia by Chemx
on Schizophrenia by Chemx
Nice work!
on Schizophrenia by Chemx
Happy to invoke some imagination in people :)
on Schizophrenia by Chemx
on Schizophrenia by Chemx
on Manufactured Dreams by Chemx
on headless potato by Chemx
on headless potato by Chemx
on headless potato by Chemx
Bit of constructive criticism :-) :
Intro(0-25s) synth is too dull (maybe on purpose ?) put some efx on it. Intro bass nice, warm and perfectly sitting in the mix as well as the beats - nicely mastered.
I feel overall mix is too centered (listening on lo-fi headphones)maybe making the synth a little bit wider might help
Same melody/progression through out the song - I think some variation in the downbeats might sit there nicely!
Good s^%t!
PS: Love the lenght of this, can listen to it twice while listening only once to your other stuff.
on headless potato by Chemx
on Manufactured Dreams by Chemx
on distress signal by Chemx
on Manufactured Dreams by Chemx
on no connection by Chemx
the other thing is you got cut the low end from your kick it is messing with your bass line.. cut everything under 80hz and make a small boost at 90/100hz to regain some of that power. also if you sidechain (0 attack & release around 80) your bass compressor through your kick it'll add to it to.
then boost that sub around 50hz...remember not all the essence of a sub is about hearing it (with Dnb especially) you also need to feel it... so cut your subs EQ taking away everything above 80hz a filter might help it to be smoother... then like I say boost it at around 50/60hz.
the other thing I would suggest is cut every EQ so that none of them have anything below say...80hz then nothing is messing with your sub and the make a down point on every one too around 10.0hz (thin Q and 0 gain) because the it'll give more room for your hats which you can boost rather than take down.
anyway nice track sorry to ramble on.... some times I get a track that inspires me to advise. and your track did that.
keep 'em coming brother
nice review thanx brother
your wisdom is well appreciated. Will sure use your advice.
Thank you again