

Rockin' and rollin'
Wentzville MO, United States
Joined : 19th May 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on SpyderX tracks

Other users have posted 154 comments on tracks by SpyderX

Comments 1 - 25 of 154
Burtsbluesboxes 31st Mar 2013 07:16 - 11 years ago

on Angel Of Death by SpyderX
Great Job, like the voice talking throughout and the mix of clean and distorted guitar, It's Alive!!
MStokes 6th Oct 2012 15:05 - 12 years ago

on Angel Of Death by SpyderX
echo thyroid - heavy inspiration - crazy and wise metal chrysalis music
SpyderX replied 6th Oct 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you, Michael. I consider you to be one of the Looperman gurus, so accolades from you lift my spirits greatly. Rock on, brother...

thyroid 6th Oct 2012 10:16 - 12 years ago

on Angel Of Death by SpyderX
This is an heavy gravity track, the poetic voice is very nice.
nice job
SpyderX replied 6th Oct 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you so much, my friend. I appreciate the listen and review.

AllenV 17th Mar 2012 19:43 - 12 years ago

on Bring Me To My Knees (Reprise) by SpyderX
Great track Spyder!
The guitars are great on every level and the pellas fit perfect.

Well done!
WithoutWax 29th Feb 2012 04:21 - 13 years ago

on Doin Da Right Thang (Remix) by SpyderX
Has this cool funky sound to it...dnt even which genre dis is..but who sounds great! Great work...the cymbals might be to much though...
Spivkurl 25th Dec 2011 15:38 - 13 years ago

on Bring Me To My Knees (Reprise) by SpyderX
This is disturbingly original! I love the lead guitar, it really makes this track flow! Nice use of the vocals too! Unusual drums, but they work really good for this one! Great work!
SpyderX replied 22nd Jan 2012 - 13 years ago
Thank you very much for the listen and review, Spivkurl. I sincerely appreciate it, bro.


momoracci 25th Jul 2011 23:36 - 13 years ago

on Hounds Of Hell by SpyderX
this awesome!
great tones morphing the bends. great work.
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you for the kind words, my friend.

I try to "push the envelope" every now and then in order to keep my (limited) composition skills at their best. Sometimes it works out well (as on this track), sometimes it doesn't, but it's always fun!

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the track, and thanks for the listen and review ~ I really do appreciate it.


FarishaMusic 18th Jul 2011 06:19 - 13 years ago

on World In Ruin by SpyderX
great job! thanks so much for using my acapella:)
SpyderX replied Unknown
Oh, no, girl, thank YOU for posting such wonderful pellas. Your voice really is amazing.
laser 17th Jul 2011 05:04 - 13 years ago

on Into The Sunset by SpyderX
Profoundly heavy. Nice mix, it's dark yet majestic. Well done.

SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you very much for the listen and review, Chris ~ I really do appreciate it.

Yeppers, dark yet majestic was exactly what I was going for when I wrote this one....


MWRatridge 16th Jul 2011 22:11 - 13 years ago

on Hard Kandy by SpyderX
Wow Spyder, pretty cool my friend. The guitars of course to me add that needed flavor. Very unpredictable progression through the song which is very refreshing.
BTW, did you get my email with those tracks? Havent heard back from you.
SpyderX replied Unknown
Yeah, you know I'm basically a guitar guy, Mark, so regardless of what genre I'm composing in, there HAS to be some heavy guitars in there somewhere...! LOL

I got the tracks, buddy, but, to be honest, I stuck 'em in a folder somewhere and forgot the location. I'll shoot you an e-mail a little later this evening, bro.


asaywood 15th Jul 2011 10:44 - 13 years ago

on Infected by SpyderX
wow thats bonkers i love it.
SpyderX replied Unknown
Glad you enjoyed it, Andy. I often get told that at times I'm the strangest guitar player on the planet ~ usually I take it as a compliment. ;-)

Thanks for the listen and review, brother ~ I do indeed appreciate it.


KelvinGate 13th Jul 2011 10:21 - 13 years ago

on Sakashita Stomp by SpyderX
You know man, I have a dream... I would like to make a trip, for a long time now: I would like to cross Nevada with a good Harley... When I started your track, no matter where I was really, my saoul was in that place!!!

Thanks man, thanks for this journey :)
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you for the kind words, Kelvin. I ride myself, so a lot of my tracks have that sort of "road" feel to 'em, I guess. Glad you enjoyed the tune, bro, and I hope you get to make that trip some day.


MStokes 12th Jul 2011 21:35 - 13 years ago

on Hounds Of Hell by SpyderX
this is totally captivating, adventurous and unique music - that's the bottom line - whatever the means of production, you are rocking these ears!
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thanks for the words of encouragement, Michael ~ I appreciate you taking the time to listen and review, bro.

You know, I always try to compose a track around a "hook" of some kind, something that sort of sticks in the mind of the listener, something that keeps coming back to them after the song is finished. If I accomplish that alone, then I'm a happy musician.


FullCapicityMuzic 12th Jul 2011 21:20 - 13 years ago

on Into The Sunset by SpyderX
the last ride of a good cowboy after he rids the whole town of bud guys, i feel so old. lol. or perhaps a bruce lee movie, anyway, its upbeat, almost like a march type feeling. like it.
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you very much for the listen and review, my friend.

Yes, though the track is a funeral dirge, I don't see that myself as a sad thing. It's merely the passing from one reality to another, so no reason for a dirge to be particularly mournful, eh?


3rdNippleMusic 12th Jul 2011 17:08 - 13 years ago

on Hounds Of Hell by SpyderX
wow dude, you got a damn cool bendy riff thang goin on, don't ya just love messin with sounds, pretty cool drum work too, nice break and patterns

so what vst u using and are you really playing, is it live, or altered afterwards, etc... ? please do tell

SpyderX replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen and review, Neal ~ I really do appreciate it, bro.

The VSTi is a new Sugar Bytes instrument called "Guitarist". I have the demo version, which only has a Strat Sf file (the full version has four or five different guitars).

the pattern sequencer in this VSTi is simply amazing ~ VERY expressive and intuitive. I just played around for a few minutes and came up with a pattern I really liked, then I put the pattern through a few mutations (changing chord progs, timing, strum types, etc.) until I came up with four or five different sounding (but compatible, since they all started out the same) patterns.

The VSTi doesn't have many effects or amp sims to go with it, but I've got all that stuff anyway, so that isn't a major issue. For a demo guitar emulator it sounds pretty darn cool though, don't it?


MStokes 9th Jul 2011 17:54 - 13 years ago

on World In Ruin by SpyderX
never sits still, but never loses the thread neither - prowling and kicking ass, bro
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you, Michael. I appreciate the listen and review, bro.


nosnhojnilremus 27th Jun 2011 06:43 - 13 years ago

on Bring Me To My Knees (Reprise) by SpyderX
Another fine job by the Spyder. Very nice work man. and yeah, the Resident Evil influence is clear. Truly an awesome piece of metal. Keep up the work, truly loving it.
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you very much, my friend. I recently got a shitload of new processors, so I'm currently re-mastering some of my earlier stuff to bring it up to par.

Appreciate the listen and review, bro, as always.


nosnhojnilremus 27th Jun 2011 06:39 - 13 years ago

on Insanitys Soft Embrace by SpyderX
Wow!, I'm blown away. This is rockin. I just love the whole arrangement. Sounds truly metal, in a twisted way, I love it! Rock on!
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you for the kind words, bro ~ I appreciate it.


RotenBeats 26th Jun 2011 16:49 - 13 years ago

on Hangnail by SpyderX
metal scares me a bit but this is well produced, the guitar pattern is familiar ?
SpyderX replied Unknown
Just standard Metal riffs and progressions ~ nothing really too original.

Thanks for the listen and review.


bmw2000uk 26th Jun 2011 08:26 - 13 years ago

on Hard Kandy by SpyderX
Must say this quite a catchy tune, its like something out of an 80's movie,like war games.

Great job

SpyderX replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen and review, bro.


MStokes 25th Jun 2011 21:42 - 13 years ago

on Hard Kandy by SpyderX
totally effective updates - does make it all the punchier - this is one big pouncing motherf*n track man!
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thanks, Michael.

I thought it was a bit too repetitive the way it was, so I thought I'd try to "jazz it up a bit" to make it a little more interesting.


SpyderByte 25th Jun 2011 21:25 - 13 years ago

on Hard Kandy by SpyderX
Very impressive track. Dark and moody, I love it! Nice use of synths, drums and guitars. It blended really well. I'm actually not a fan of the intro.
Keep up the great work man!
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen and review, SpyderByte ~ I appreciate it.


DynoMike 25th Jun 2011 10:49 - 13 years ago

on Boogieman Blues by SpyderX
This is sick! but there are parts where the whole feel of the atmosphere of the song changes, almost like the sampling or looping just didnt match.
3rdNippleMusic 22nd Jun 2011 07:36 - 13 years ago

on Insanitys Soft Embrace by SpyderX
aw dude, my gf hates me at this moment, this is so much louder than all the other tracks i was listening to, hah, she'll get over it.

this is f'in nuts mate, i dig the slayer when it plays those longer notes - hmmmm, sounds like a machine oh, except for that fake orgasm hahah, um, gotta go... ; )
SpyderX replied Unknown
First, give my apologies to your gf: Metal is often painful ~ that's just the nature of the beast.... LOL

I just re-masterd this one and replaced some of the Slayers with a SF2 called "Jackson's Distorted Guitar". I also tweaked the vocals a bit to keep them from crowding out the instruments. I'm still not totally satisfied with it though. I think I may have to record some of the vox myself and run them through a forman filter (to make them sound female).

Glad you like the track though...

And, as always, thanks a bunch, Neal, for listening and reviewing.


DonnieVyros 21st Jun 2011 20:00 - 13 years ago

on Sludge Enigma by SpyderX
Interesting slow groove approach ya took here (and the panning effects ya did were keen). This sorta reminds me of a mix between Hendrix's National Anthem & Satriani's Hill of the Skull. Only thing I could think to suggest is adding more to the low-end (bass mainly). Otherwise, nicely done mate. Lates!
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen and review, Donnie. I really do appreciate it, man.


Comments 1 - 25 of 154