Hey, that’s definitely mesmerizing. I’ve been looking for a project and I think that could be it - are You interested in putting some vocals on it? If you are, let me know and I’m sure we can work something out.
Either way, congratulations! It was a real nice trip listening to it!
hi! I came across this site because I'm trying to find a coupe of pieces of royalty free music for my youtube channel. My channel is really small but I work hard on it. I really like this piece of music. Is this something I could use without royalties? Will I get flagged on youtube? thank you for your help.
Yeah, I definitely felt chilled out after this. You've made an awesome soundscape that is a pleasure to listen to. Don't need to smoke to appreciate this :)
There's a story going on in this.
There's a journey in all weathers unfolding.
This would not be out of place in a film of some kind.
This is very well put together.
I listened first on speakers then on phones and two different experiences!
At the end I felt slightly out of breath ....
Great work.
Hi. This is actually a rather pleasant, summery, positive track. I like the repetitive, insistent parts. They’re well arranged and all lock neatly together. Parts enter and drop out at the right times, providing the listener with lots of points of interest.
I’ve not heard one of your tracks before (as I’ve hardly used the site this year) but will try to check out some others as this has some class and depth to it. It’s never boring or too repetitive and is a good type of chillout dance music.
Hey, I liked this tune. I enjoyed that the melody was subtle and it was your arranging of many musical parts that gave us the chord and melodic structure. In Reading Verdiqo´s summation of the song, I have no idea what he means as his usage of the two words synchronic and the Dutch Harmonieus don´t make sense at all. Synchronic relates to you being concerned with something, especially a language, as it exists at one point in time. Chronus (greek/latin for Time) Synchronicity does not mean what he thinks it means in this context. I would ask him to clarify and define what he means, otherwise it´s just gibberish. Cru
Hey, I liked this tune. I enjoyed that the melody was subtle and it was your arranging of many musical parts that gave us the chord and melodic structure. In Reading Verdiqo´s summation of the song, I have no idea what he means as his usage of the two words synchronic and the Dutch Harmonieus don´t make sense at all. Synchronic relates to you being concerned with something, especially a language, as it exists at one point in time. Chronus (greek/latin for Time) Synchronicity does not mean what he thinks it means in this context. I would ask him to clarify and define what he means, otherwise it´s just gibberish. Cru
If it was synchronic and harmonieus than this track would be superb. But unfortunately the harmony and synchronicity aren't correctly done and prety out of balance. If you listen more closely, you will hear it as well. Although i did like all the elements you did use in this track. So that is the good part of this track. But my advise to you would be, if you create a track especially electronic or uptempo stuff. Always work on synchronicity and harmonie. Those are always crucial in whatever tracks you create. Just keep that in mind. But still, i wanna give you a compliment, for the elements you used in this track though. But this song could be so much better if it was synchrone and harmonieus.
Nice job, very early Trent Reznor NIN sound influenced (pretty hate machine album) with mid season Alan Wilder and his Recoil influences (Stalker Remix). Loved the mixing very deep, plays like a remix. Well done!
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
Either way, congratulations! It was a real nice trip listening to it!
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Eye of Orion by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
There's a journey in all weathers unfolding.
This would not be out of place in a film of some kind.
This is very well put together.
I listened first on speakers then on phones and two different experiences!
At the end I felt slightly out of breath ....
Great work.
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
I’ve not heard one of your tracks before (as I’ve hardly used the site this year) but will try to check out some others as this has some class and depth to it. It’s never boring or too repetitive and is a good type of chillout dance music.
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Green Gossamer by TheNyctopian
on Pareidolia by TheNyctopian