

Visakhapatnam, India
Joined : 18th Jun 2009 - 15 years ago
Comments on Samuel_Pushpak tracks

Other users have posted 19 comments on tracks by Samuel_Pushpak

Comments (19)
WARRIORDANIKA 16th Aug 2009 04:54 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
What a beautiful melody. Full of warmth and love. Really good job man.

DextDee 26th Jul 2009 18:23 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
i love the piano, like it has so much soul in it. it is a living instrument to me. as well as other instrus.
this track is just well sone with the piano melody.
true, u can make it longer but i would assume it for an advert and it would do well, say a messege advert, like help bla..bla bla with energy saving etc etc.
keep doing ur thing.

WhiteSands 25th Jul 2009 01:24 - 15 years ago

on Fruit-Ball by Samuel_Pushpak
This is different then stuff i hear everyday. I really like it. The melody of your synth is what got me.
WhiteSands 25th Jul 2009 01:17 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
This is good man you blended the piano and strings very well. This is very chilled out song. Nice job
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
thanks a lot for the encouragement bro..
yurivaloli 24th Jul 2009 00:18 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
nice one man, sad and positively encouraging at the same time. i actualy have no problem with it being so short coz it kinda captured that moment of freedom and
flight. well done
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
thanks a ton! bro..
Your words really encouraged me.
blackryan 23rd Jul 2009 10:52 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
Very nice and as everyone said too short. OK I'm going to be really critical now (sorry). I felt that the piano was too fast in parts compaared to the music. Only marginally. There! Very nice piece tho!
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
ya.. I accept that.
Thank you so much for listening.
alividlife 23rd Jul 2009 06:44 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
Stubbing my toe
Girls at the mall
getting gas, remembering I forgot my debit card
Stupid statements
faint memories....

sounds like it was pulled from a previous work .. or leads into another....
very well done!
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
Thank you for listening to song bro..
and I've haven't lifted any parts.. but if there are any coincidences.. thats purely not my fault.
and that poem is really cool.
Salkizar 22nd Jul 2009 23:24 - 15 years ago

on Imprints by Samuel_Pushpak
too good for a corporate intro....Get some vocals on it...its SCREAMING for em!!!!
n0mad23 22nd Jul 2009 03:06 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
Most excellent work here. I definitely am looking forward to seeing more of your work posted here, and you can count on me being a regular listener. Very polished, and leaves me unable to give constructive suggestions - save I really wish it would be longer! Cheers.
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
thank you so much for the encouragement!!
I'm glad you liked my music and want to hear more. I'll let you know when my new tracks are out.
n0mad23 22nd Jul 2009 03:05 - 15 years ago

on Imprints by Samuel_Pushpak
Perfect length for a corporate intro - but way too short for the fans! Really outstanding work here, a great combination of sounds, rhythm and execution. If it were 3 or 4 times as long, it still could be longer! Sweet.
n0mad23 22nd Jul 2009 03:02 - 15 years ago

on Imprints by Samuel_Pushpak
Perfect length for a corporate intro - but way too short for the fans! Really outstanding work here, a great combination of sounds, rhythm and execution. If it were 3 or 4 times as long, it still could be longer! Sweet.
lofthouse 21st Jul 2009 20:55 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
You caught my attention with your beautiful face.
Then I listened to the music and cried!
This is so very beautiful,awesome,fantastic-but way to short!
I want more!!
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
Oh my god!
this the best comment I've ever received..
Thank you for those kind words..
I'm really happy that my music touched you!
koble 21st Jul 2009 17:21 - 15 years ago

on Fruit-Ball by Samuel_Pushpak
Very Cinematic. I really like your stuff. Glossy. Well produced. has that exotic Indian touch. (yes I know, not so exotic for you, very exotic for me... lol).
I want to hear some complete pieces from on you on the site. Good, good, good!!!
koble 21st Jul 2009 17:20 - 15 years ago

on Imprints by Samuel_Pushpak
You are good Samuel! Very catchy. Well produced. Keep on doing it. I'll check out your other pieces.
koble 21st Jul 2009 17:16 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
Ah very nice. :) Beautiful piece. Haunting melody. Wanted more, much more.
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
Thank you so much!
BigPete 20th Jul 2009 20:48 - 15 years ago

on Faint Thoughts by Samuel_Pushpak
Ok it was a short journey but on this one I feel like you took me to destination and I had more of a complete story, again the rest is spotless and its not the tool you use that counts its who and how you use that tool to create, you have taloent and it shows with any equipment.
Let Peace Love and Freedom Reign
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
Thank you so much for those kind words..
I'm very happy you liked it.
BigPete 20th Jul 2009 20:43 - 15 years ago

on Imprints by Samuel_Pushpak
great piano hook melody, again love the production, very classic big house sound done like its suppose to be and again to short, you take us only halfway the journey and leave us on the side of the road, lol.
Peace Love and Freedom to leave us wanting more
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
he..he.. next time I'll not leave you alone on the other side.
thank you for takin time to review my tracks..
BigPete 20th Jul 2009 20:41 - 15 years ago

on Fruit-Ball by Samuel_Pushpak
great production and arrangments, love the mix of course to short want to hear where you would take this.
Let Freedom Reign¸
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
thanks a ton brother!!
Yeah I'll extend this song.. hope it comes out nice.
Hugobian 19th Jul 2009 21:22 - 15 years ago

on Fruit-Ball by Samuel_Pushpak
I'm loving the ethnic feel to this and the atmosphere it builds. What is the add for?
Samuel_Pushpak replied Unknown
thank you so much..
this is for a local sports shop ad audition; i didn't win though!!
Comments (19)